Blushing and Confessions

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I quickly fall back, away from Beej and we both immediately became flustered.

"N-nothing..." I panicked. Betelgeuse is terrifyingly good at lying sometimes. Well not even lying, just diversions.

"Oh, we were just talking shit about you, don't worry." He jokes

"Right. So, both of your faces are red, you're whispering, you suddenly can't keep away from each other, you can hardly sleep without the other by your side, you keep disappearing alone, and you stayed up late last night." Lydia says, obviously knowing what was going on.

Beej takes a deep breath and grabs my hand

"I haven't actually officially done this so I guess I'll just ask you now.  (Y/N) will you be my girlfriend?"

I wasn't expecting that. I had just assumed we were together but I never even thought about making it official.

"Yes! Of course." I feel relief wash over me as the secret that we've already been seeing each other came out. I'm not sure whether or not to kiss him.

He makes that decision for me. Beej grabs my chin gently and presses his mouth to mine.

Lydia looks ready to squeal but she doesn't.

"I can tell that wasn't your guises first kiss. So now you have to spill everything."

"Yeah, I guess you caught us." I laughed shyly

"So when did you guys first kiss? Wait wait no, don't tell me... was it in the closet?"

"Nope." Beej said

"Really? Was it last night then?"

"Close but no." I replied

"Wait then was it when I left yesterday?"

"Ding ding ding"

"Awwwwwwwweeee" she finally released her excitement.


So I've made a decision on what to do for my celebration thingy. I haven't seen anyone do this yet so I would really like to try it.

Character and author QnA
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Asking questions towards any of my versions of the characters or questions about or aimed at me.

I will likely check after school tomorrow so make sure to get all your questions in asap. You can ask as many questions towards as many characters as you want and you can leave as many comments as you want. (This also includes side characters such as BJ's roommates or even the math professor)

This should be fun

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now