Intense Night

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I couldn't move.

I stayed staring at her pained face. The worst part is I don't think it was over.

The pain shifted to anger. "Well I don't like when you perv on me and insult me either! I wanted to be your friend when we started talking but now I can see you're just as much of a dick as you seemed when we met!"

Now I felt the stings too. There was so much more that I could say but I thought it would be better to leave them unsaid.

Damn I'm pathetic. I can't even manage to say 'sorry.'

I stumbled away and got myself lost in the crowd.

Your POV
His nerve.

The nerve to yell at me and complain about the things he started!

The nerve to walk away from me as soon as I snapped back!

I wanted to be his friend. I was starting to see him as less of a dick than he appeared. I started to think he was actually deeper than that.

He is just another stupid college party douche. Didn't know they came in the sarcastic emo variety.

Wait why am I even upset over this? I've known him for a day, he's an annoying prick. A pervert. A jerk.


So why do I care this much about him?


No, I can't. I have to hate him now.

I'm pissed at him now.

He hurt me.

I have to hate him.

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now