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It's midnight.

I pull up my underwear and leggings while Betelgeuse runs to the bathroom to wash his hands. I run over to open the door so we minimize suspicion.

"Smells like sex." Stephen says looking at me suspiciously. I feel my face go super red.

Steve slugs his brother in the arm.

"Dude, you wouldn't know what sex smells like." He teases.

"Yes I would! I'm a total chick magnet." Stephen responds defensively.

"When's the last time you even had a girlfriend?" Steph joins, loving the banter.

"At least I've had one at all. Besides, I prefer to stay a free man."

"Hey..." Steph is quick to stop enjoying the banter. His face is red now.

"Dude!" Steve smacks Stephen in the back of the head three-stooges-style.

I stand there dumbfounded.

"Um... are you guys gonna come in or..?" I finally say, breaking up their squabble. They look to me as if I'm a ghost. They must have forgotten I was there.

They come inside and Beej walks out of the bathroom. Steph seems bothered by something. I decide to break the silence.

"So um, can I get your guys' numbers? I wanna have them since you're Beej's roommates and everything."

They all agree and I get their numbers. I text each of them so they have mine too. I text Steph.

Y: Hey, are you okay?
S: Why are you texting me again we're in the same room?
Y: I didn't want your brothers to tease you if something is wrong. Plus I figured you probably wouldn't tell me if I asked out loud.
S: It's nothing. Something my brother said just kinda bothered me is all.
Y: Do you want a hug?

Steph smiles, looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I giggle a bit and shrug. He pulls his phone back out and types something.

S: Yes

He climbs off of his bunk and hugs me. Everyone around us looks extremely confused. Betelgeuse oddly enough, doesn't seem bothered.

With anyone else, he probably would have lashed out. Something about Steph is different.


I'm so sorry I haven't posted in like three days, I'm on Fall break and ironically enough I'm more busy.
I will likely post more today.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

This one was more focused on Steph than the rest of the triplets but I'm leading up to something in a later chapter (after more cute beetlejuice stuff of course).

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now