Play Time

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I looked at her mischievously before pushing her off of my lap and onto the mattress. I went to climb on top of her until...

"Ow fuck." I bump my head on Steph's top bunk.
(Y/N) starts laughing uncontrollably. I wanted to be pissed but her smile was too contagious. I began laughing with her.

"I'm- I'm sorry that was just." she bursts into laughter again. She can barely speak and her giggle was too cute not to adore.

"(Y/N), I love you." She looks at me a bit confused at my sudden adoration.

"I love you too." She has a bit of a questioning tone. I just kiss her in response. The kiss quickly turns passionate and deep again.

Play time has returned.

I grab her wrists and pin them above her head. I start kissing her neck. She seems surprised but definitely enjoys it. She tilts her head to one side, giving me more room. I bite down, gently causing her to moan slightly. Then I bite harder.

"Ah f-fuck!" She gasps. I feel her hands clenching and reaching but unable to move under my grasp.

I move one hand off of her wrist to interlock our fingers. I move from her neck to her ear.

"Hey, it's okay, baby. I'll be more gentle."

"N-no!" She says suddenly. I give her a weird look. "I...I mean..... y-you don't... have to." I knew exactly what she meant but I decided to tease her a bit.

"I don't have to what?" Her face instantly gets redder. This is what I was looking for.

"You don't have to be...gentle..."

"Well what should I be instead then?" I smirk at the flustered girl beneath me.

"Be rough."

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now