More Drinks and Less Laughs

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I pour another shot and offer it to (Y/N) "Are you sure you don't trust me?" She smiles a bit and reluctantly accepts.

"This doesn't mean I trust you, just that I don't fully distrust you." I avoid eye contact with her now, stopping the smile from creeping onto my face.

I look back and see her smiling too. Her eyes are starting to look a bit glossed over but still two shimmering (E/C) lights.

Ew, I'm being cheesy. Gross.

"Why are you smiling?" I ask curiously. My voice must have sounded a bit sad because her face quickly shifted from amused to concerned.

Her eyebrows furrowed causing me to all but shrink back in my seat under her intense glare.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Her face stays the same now accompanied by a puppy-esque head tilt.

"Why would you be... I mean," I pause for a minute and take a breath. "Don't you hate me?"

"I mean, yes, but not hate hate." Ouch. I'm not sure what this meant fully but the yes struck me for sure.

"I could see why you would." I could feel my voice getting shakey with each word I spoke.

Oh god, am I drunk? How much have I had to drink.

"Hey, I was just kidding."

"Well I don't like how you joke very much!"  I snapped. The pain in her face when I shouted made me realize I should just walk away.

Yet for some reason I couldn't move.

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now