Party's Over

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After a couple more shots, I stand up to try and find my roommate. As soon as I stood up I felt like I should sit back down.

My eyes blurred harder than they had before and I stumbled sideways. I need to sit down.

My vision gets fuzzy and I try to take a step before falling asleep. The last thing I can feel someone's arms catching me.

~Time Skip~

I wake up in my bed with a pounding headache and Lydia sat beside me.

"Holy shit... what happened?"

"I would like to ask you the same thing. I was looking for you and BJ and I saw you standing alone stumbling over. When I came to ask where he was, you passed out."

"I-" She cuts me off.

"No, I'm not done." I silence myself and try to blink hard against the light so I could see her face more clearly. "Explain this."

She holds up her phone with a text conversation pulled up. I could only assume Beej was the other side of it.

L: Hey, why was (Y/N) blackout drunk and alone??

B: Ask her that. It's not my problem.

L: What the hell, Beej. I thought you guys were friends?

B: Yeah, I thought so too. Guess we were both wrong.

I stared at the screen. "It's not my fault. He started it."

"Started what, (Y/N)?" Her voice got louder in clear frustration.

"Being... being a complete jerk! The second I snapped back he ran off!"

"What do you mean being a jerk? It sounds to me like you hurt him more than he hurt you."

"I... I don't care." I stated coldly. I knew it wasn't true but I knew it needed to be. My heart nearly stopped when I said it. "I can't care."

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now