What Don't I Remember?

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Your POV
I wake up to see Lydia and Beej looking at me. My brain starts running through everything that happened the night before.

"Wait..." I struggle to think about everything. It's all a dream-like blur. I remembered my mental breakdown and quickly brought my hand to my face "Beej... I'm so sorry you had to see me like that."

"Ha... if you think you were bad I don't think you remember everything."

"What do you mea- oh. Right." I remembered his arm. I also remembered that I said something but don't quite know what it was. "What did I say after that?"

His face shifted to something I couldn't pinpoint.

"You... don't remember?"

"No... I'm sorry. All of last night is really hazy. I don't even remember how we got in that closet."

Lydia starts giggling a bit "That was me."

I nod, it makes sense.

"(Y/N), will you... come over here with me?"

Now it was joke time. I smirk.

"Why? Is it cause you still have a crush?" his face goes a little pink as he laughs

"Oh you know it, babes."

I smile calmly and walk over to sit on the other bed with my new friend.

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now