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What the hell does that mean?

B: ????????
L: She's torn up. She seems really hurt and upset and it really seems like BOTH of you are at fault. I have to live with her all year and you're my best friend so p l e a s e  try to play nice?
B: How am I supposed to play nice when my heart pounds every time I see her? My face burns and there's this pain in my gut. It makes me so angry and I want it to stop. It seems like the more mean we get to each other the stronger that feeling grows.
L: Wait....
B: What?
L: Are you..... Do you......
L: You care about her.
B: No.
B: I hate her.
L: Bet that hurt to type, didn't it?
B: Lydia I do not like her. She hurt my feelings and I stopped caring. Maybe I had a little crush at first but it doesn't matter anymore. She hates me and the only way to handle that is to hate her back.
L: ...
B: Fuck, sorry, I'm getting melodramatic again.
L: You really don't like her.
B: ?
L: You love her.
B: Whoooa whoa whoa there. Strong words.
L: Strong words for strong feelings right? Hate's a very strong word.
B: Lyds, I don't even say I love you to you. And you've been my best friend since... well... forever. I don't think I've ever told anyone I love them.
L: I have a plan. You're going to Nick's party tonight, right?
B: Uh... what are you planning?
L: Guess you'll see.

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now