It's Monday

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I blink again in the light, tears starting to form in my eyes. From the light. Yeah, I don't care, remember?

I realized the light was pouring in from the half shuddered blinds. It was morning.

"Wait... what time is it?" I asked

"It's around 10 o'clock."

"Oh, okay." I furrowed my brows in thought. I have class in an hour.

Oh wait... I have class in an hour. My eyes widen in realization and I go to stand up. My pounding headache gets worse but I try to push past it to grab my clothes.

"Hey uh... shouldn't you sit down? You've gotta be dying right now."

"That doesn't matter, I can't miss on the first day!"

After I finish getting ready I head to the campus' cafeteria to grab a coffee and something to eat before class.

I finish my food with around ten minutes left and go for a second coffee to take with me to class. I walk into the classroom in the math section for my first class.

The room had assigned seating so I looked for the one with my new student ID sat in front of it. Next to me was an ID with a strange name on the top. One I had never seen before.


Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now