The Plan

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Your POV
After your second (and final) Monday class, you return to your room to see Lydia sitting on her bed, legs crossed, chin resting on her scheming fist which was being supported by her knee. She was staring at the door when I walked in.

"What are you planning..?"

"Oh nothing, just was waiting on you to get here. Wanted to ask if you wanna come to a party tonight with me?"

"Oh I'm not really feeli-"

"Pleaaaaaase, I don't want to be there all alone." She pulls a pout. But alone implies Beej won't be there so I suppose there won't be any issues in that department. I take a deep breathe.

"Okay, fine. I guess I do need a break after the first day."

"Yay!" Her false sadness quickly diminished into a look of a kid in a candy store. She is DEFINITELY planning something. "Well we need to get ready."

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now