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Betelgeuse's POV

I'm glad Lyds manipulated us into being friends again. I already feel so much better with (Y/N) by my side.

"I'm bored."

"Yeah, me too." She responds "Wanna go get something to eat?"

"Oh, finally coming around huh?" I smirk. I think it's fun to flirt with her, even just jokingly. She rolled her eyes.

"It's platonic."

"For now." she gives me the 'seriously' face and slugs me in the arm. We both start laughing. I put my arm around her shoulder "Come on, sweetie. Let's go for some food."

That may or may not have been an excuse to put my arm around her because I really like her hugs. Ha. Maybe.

She didn't move away "You're lucky you're comfortable to hug." she scooted closer to me and laid her head on my chest. I felt my heart rate speed up.


She looks up at me with her (E/C) eyes. Fuck.

"I think I...." I have no idea what I'm saying. Oh god.

"What, Beej?"

"I love-"

All of a sudden I was cut off.

She kissed me.

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now