Time Alone

663 31 18

Content warning: You already know what's about to go down

I'm a bit relieved that they left. I would like some alone time with (Y/N) and it's nice to get that in my own room.

Suddenly my phone buzzed.

Group chat: The S's and B

Steve: We'll be home at midnight, lock the door. You know the guys don't knock.

I face palmed. The pretty girl next to me cocked her head curiously.

"The guys are teasing us...Also they said to lock the door." She starts laughing which makes my embarrassment fade. She has a way of clearing my negativity.

"Well we best listen to them." She walks over and locks the door. I feel my face heat up. She comes over and sits on my bed next to me. I look into her eyes, searching her face and she seemed to be doing the same.

I reach forward and put my hand on her cheek. I look her over eyes lingering. Finally I pull her into a kiss. Her lips move in sync with mine and she parts them open slightly. I slip my tongue in, tasting the inside of her mouth.

In the midst of making out I hardly even noticed her pulling herself onto my lap. I grabbed her hips as she started moving them around, grinding slightly into me. While she's distracted, I take the opportunity to bite her lip gently, causing her to gasp.

"H-Hey... that was mean." she stuttered out in between shortened breaths.

"Oh yeah? Was it?" I smirked. She could tell I was planning something.

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now