Meet the Guys

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Betelgeuse's POV

I walk into my dorm room seeing the three similar looking brothers sitting on one bed, watching the door curiously.

"So uh... hey guys." Steph, Steve, and Stephen look at me curiously. Stephen is the first to speak. The most socially adept of the three.

"Hey, B. Who is it we're meeting?"

"Well, I would like you to meet (Y/N). My new girlfriend." I stand aside to let her step forward. She smiles shyly and Stephen shakes her hand.

"I'm Stephen. The hot one." He smirks confidently.

"Don't scare her." Steve speaks. "I'm Steve. The only competent one of the three." I would definitely think of him as more of the nice one but I guess he is smartest by default.

"I'm Greg." Steph smiles.

"No, you're not." Steve, Stephen and I say simultaneously.

"Never gets old." Yes it does. "I'm Steph." there was no question of his role. He's the jokester. Comedic relief. Not the brightest but ya know, none of them are.

"So.... you all have the same name?" (Y/N) speaks, a bit confused.

"Pretty much, yeah." Stephen speaks.

"Steph is pronounced differently than Steve or Stephen." Steph says, matter-of-fact like.

"If you couldn't tell, we're brothers." Steve says.

"Triplets." Steph adds

"Literal bros." Stephen smirks.

I roll my eyes, wondering again how I came to like these guys. Oh yeah. Steve.

"Well, we were just about to leave for the party that one chick is throwing, right guys?" It was obvious Stephen was lying to give us space. The other guys catch on quickly and mumble agreements, even making up names of people who would be there.

They hurry out the door and with that, we are alone.

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now