Rise and Shine

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Your POV

"WAKE UP!" Lydia screamed in a shrill voice. I panicked, startled and screaming.

"That beautiful sound." Lydia smirks at my reaction.

"Whoa, hey, princess are you o-" Beej woke up more startled by my fear than the rude awakening. He searched my face for the reason of my panic before realizing he just called me princess in front of Lydia.

"Princess?" Lydia cocked her head with a smug look on her face. My cheeks started to burn and Beej stays calm under pressure.

"It was a joke...yeah." He's a terrible liar.

"A joke huh?"

"You betcha."

"Then why did you seem so concerned?"

"Hey, what are you, my PO?"

"Guys, lets just talk about something else. What time is it anyways?" I speak, finally intervening.

"It is currently... 11:34." Lydia responds

"Well I'm glad I didn't take morning classes." Beej said

"Yeah. I have anatomy in like two hours." Lydia adds, looking at the two of us still on the floor. "So, what's with all of the sudden clinging? I swear ever since the closet, you two won't leave each other's sides."

"He's comfy." I smile at my half joke

"She's clingy." He teases in reply

"Yeah, says the one who immediately rushed to my side when you woke up."

"Riiiight. Well, I'm going to get dressed in the bathroom." Lydia says, standing up from her bed.

As soon as Lyds closes the door, Betelgeuse kisses me, long but sweet.

"I'm sorry for almost outing us to Lydia." he whispers "I was just worried when I heard you scream..." he smirks afterwards, clearly thinking of a joke.


"You're only allowed to scream if it's my name." His cheeks grow a light blush as he jokes.

"Pervert." I smirk

"That's not what you were calling me last night." his eyes have a playful mischievous glint to them.

"Hush, Lydia might hear us."

"She won't. I just have to hear you say it one time." It was obvious he was joking but I took the opportunity to tease him anyways.

I got close to his ear and whispered "daddy" in a breathy voice.

"Yo, what's with all the whispering?" Lydia comes back in dramatically.


I want to celebrate but don't know what to do. Please leave suggestionssssss 💕

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now