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"So, Beej, should I tell her about after you guys woke up la-"

"SHUT UP LYDIA." He lunges forward covering her mouth as we all started laughing. This was nice.

"No no, now you have to tell." I speak, grinning.

Beej looks away, face flushing more red than before.

"No, I think Beej will have to tell you that one."

I raise an eyebrow looking at him.

"W-well. Um... we, uh, we fell asleep in the closet... and uh, Lydia umm.."

Holy hell this was adorable.

"She, sh-she woke me up and I was still drunk and tired and um, I uh carried you back to your room um.... and well uh, yeah."

I could tell there was more but I wouldn't push it. I had never seen him like this while sober. Usually he's confident and cold. This felt more real.

"What?" he growled, looking away "Why are you staring at me?"

"Sorry, that was just... I don't know, admirable I guess."

He suddenly smiles and looks at me again

"Fancy nerd."

"Hush, hush." I was smiling widely and I hardly even noticed.

"Oooookay, keep it in your pants, kids." Lydia suddenly speaks up, breaking our eye contact. Her phone suddenly rings and she looks.

"Oh shit, I have to go." She stands up and grabs her black suede purse before heading towards the door. "And one more thing..."



"I don't care what you do in this room, but please stay off of my stuff." Before giving time for us to react, she was gone.

Beej smirks, taking the opportunity to make more flirty remarks.

"Well, you heard the girl, whatever we want." he leans in closer. I push his face back and crawl the rest of the way on Lydia's bed.

"Yeah, guess I'll just have to stay on the safety base."

"I could totally make a joke here, but I won't."

I smile



Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now