Truth or Dare

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We walk into the dorm room of a guy named Nick. A four bed just like Beej's. They're the only ones big enough for parties.

Lydia immediately leads me to the beer pong station, constantly looking behind her shoulder every few moments like she were paranoid. Maybe she got high while I was walking back from class or something.

After a few rounds I was done and already starting to feel it a bit. Lydia noticed and lead me over to a large circle on the floor. At first I thought it may have been a smoke circle until I realized what was happening.

This was a game.

We were playing truth or dare.

Lydia spoke first.

"(Y/N).... Truth or dare."


"Who do you have a crush on?"

"Nobody..." I spoke hesitantly. Something about the word I spoke sounded unsure and almost untrue.

"Haha, well that wasn't true at all, guess you get a dare."

"H-hey! That's not fair!"

"I dare you to go into the closet. You're not allowed to come out until I say. You have to leave your lights off." I was confused in my slightly tipsy state of consciousness but figured she was trying to scare me. I shrug and tripped off toward the door.

I closed the door and blinked against the darkness

Suddenly I noticed a tall figure in front of me.

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now