RC --- Chapter FORTY-TWO

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Even though the odds say improbable, what do they know? For in romance, all true love needs is a chance. - Anonymous

January 12, Sunday

6:30 AM

Azotea Towers

No sleep for 24 hours and my body was soon realizing it as I threw pieces of hotdogs into the moderately heated oiled non-sticky pan. I walked over the silver-colored two-door refrigerator and took out three eggs, a watermelon, a pineapple, and some ginger.

It was a crazy morning, the craziest I’ve ever had in fact. Right after leaving Miguel’s bedroom I thought of leaving the apartment too but then I found myself cleaning it instead. It took me roughly two hours to wholly tidy it up then I moved to his bedroom glad that he never woke up the entire time I assumed the role of a housekeeper.

When I was done, I threw his laundry including my sweated clothes down the washing machine then took the bath my body had been fervently wanting ever since the first sweat materialized on it. Done after half an hour, I slipped on a black loose long shirt I got from his cabinet. Despite not wanting to wear his clothes, I had no choice as I had none.  

Like a robot programmed beforehand, my body went straight to the kitchen as my hands started moving to cook breakfast, whether for him or just me I wasn’t sure at first but then the answer came clear when undoubtedly I was preparing for more than one.

My reminiscing was cut short with a sudden sound of breaking glass, my head immediately jolted up seeking the origin of the sound. The anxiety came in easily upon seeing Miguel’s just-woken up, shocked face but I was terribly happy to have covered it with a frown.

I sauntered towards him holding the frown on my face and seemingly annoyed eyes. “I just cleaned the floor!” I spat professedly looking once at the pieces of broken glass.

“What are you doing here?!” His reaction was obviously not what I expected but I held my ground in spite of the shivering weakness that sprouted all too soon because of the way he was looking at me, as if I was unwanted. I hated my damn body for being so feeble.

Yet it was the same body that stood seemingly unaffected by his angry question. Although I knew it was only a pretense, still I appeared strong from Miguel’s eyes which was all that actually mattered. I no longer wanted to appear helpless especially in front of him. “It’s too early to be drinking again.” I stepped closer, my nose wrinkling at his smell. “You stink of alcohol. You should really take a bath.”

As if entranced by my words, his eyes blankly stared at me before turning it around along with his whole form and left. I stood frozen for a second before quickly following him out of the kitchen and when I saw him enter his room, I sighed with relief and went back to the earlier task.

I was nervous and fidgeting the whole time I prepared breakfast. There were so many questions jumping in and out of my mind. What if he didn’t want me there? What if he was angry? What if he didn’t care anymore? What if…?

The table was ready when I heard his movements again. I span around in time to lock eyes with his brown ones before mine travelled on his oh so well refreshed body. Feeling as if the energy was suddenly sucked out from my body, the exhaustion came crashing hard and I found myself slowly retreating… away from him as I left the room.

I grabbed my bag laid on one of the couches and was about to resume walking when I heard Miguel’s dominant voice. “Where are you going?”

I turned around and saw him standing just a few feet away. I shrugged my shoulders. “To sleep.” I saw his eyes bore more confusion but brushed them off as my weary body wanted nothing but a soft mattress. I continued walking, my gaze staying on him and saw what seemed to be relief when instead of heading for the door I took the opposite side, that of which led to the bedrooms.

Roller CoasterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon