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Seonghwa took a deep, shuddering breath as he stared at the cold building in front of him

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Seonghwa took a deep, shuddering breath as he stared at the cold building in front of him. He couldn't believe he was actually considering doing this...

But the guilt was too much to bare.

His hands were still shaking as he saw the woman's piercing green eyes looking up at him, begging him not to do it.

Normally it wasn't a problem for him. That small, curved piece of metal was oh so easy to pull. And he hit his target every single time.

He had trained for years under his father to become the perfect assassin. His skill with guns was second to none, and because of that, he was widely sought after too.

People from every corner of this pitiful planet would send him money to kill their desired target.

Seonghwa had yet to fail.

But now... Now he had been given one final task that was supposed to complete his training. His father had pulled him aside and told him there was one final thing he must do before he was truly ready.

As leader of the Wolf Pack, one of the most well-known but also most protected and powerful circle of mafia, his father was a powerful man.

Seonghwa stood to inherit a lot, and he had no intention of disappointing his father.

"I can't do it." He said as his hand shook.

"Don't fail me now boy! One final test, one final mission and you are ready!" His father growled.

The pistol shook in his hand as he locked eyes with the woman. She pleaded with him through her gag. He had already failed in his eyes because she saw him hesitate.

"Do it!" His father roared.

Seonghwa bit his lip as his heart pounded in his chest.

This wasn't right...


Seonghwa flinched and closed his eyes. Deep down he knew he could never do that again. It hurt too much and the guilt was too high.

Guilt. Like he deserved to feel guilt.

After everything he'd done? All the lives he'd taken?

Maybe that's why this was so hard for him... Because he did feel guilty.

He took one more deep breath before he stepped out of the alley he had been lurking in. His footsteps were silent as always as he walked across the empty street to the building in front of him.

Slowly, he ran a hand through his black hair, then fixed it so part of it hung over his left eye. He always wore it this way. He was right eye dominant, so keeping his left eye partially covered helped with his aim.

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