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"I'm about ready to sedate him!" Hongjoong shouted as he paced back and forth.

Yunho flinched at his angry tone and moved a little closer Yeosang, who was staring at Hongjoong with wide eyes.

The hacker had never seen Hongjoong this upset, and honestly it scared him a little bit. He watched as Hongjoong rubbed his eyebrow hard enough that he was expecting the hairs to start falling to the ground.

And then there was Yunho, standing casually sipping his coffee. If he was this calm, though, then Hongjoong must not be that serious about sedating Wooyoung. Plus he had already told the officers to stand down.

Yeosang popped his sucker back in his mouth and sat down in front of his computers again.

His eyes flicked expertly between all the monitors, waiting for them to finish downloading everything he needed.

The sooner he could get his system up and running, the sooner he could be an asset to Wooyoung and Seonghwa with his drones. If they had a couple of extra eyes in the sky then that could make all the difference.

Plus he had a few surprises up his sleeve.

His fingers flew across the keyboard as he pushed the candy in his mouth into his cheek and leaned forward. "Drones being deployed now."

Hongjoong stopped pacing and came to stand behind him. Both he and Yunho stared at the screens, impressed looks on their faces as three of the screens showed the camera view from the three drones now flying to the building in question.

One flew over the roof and gave them a few of where Seonghwa was set up with his sniper rifle. It was trained on the building across the street. If they didn't know any better, he would easily pass for a statue.

"Scanning building..." Yeosang muttered as he programmed all three machines to fly in circles.

On a fourth screen, a digital scan started to appear of the four story building.

"Wow. I didn't know we could do this." Yunho said, leaning forward.

Yeosang just nodded, keeping his eyes flicking between all the information in front of him. "Once this scan is complete, I should be able to pick up everyone who is inside that building. Then we can relay it to Wooyoung and give him their position."

"Good." Hongjoong said, nodding once before leaning on the desk.





Wooyoung's heart raced as he crept down the alleyway. He knew this area well, so he knew right where the door was that would lead him to the back entrance of the store.

He was completely silent as he kept low to the ground and crossed one foot over the other.

There were five men inside, and he was willing to bet that there would be one more standing by the back door keeping watch.

If they were demanding that kind of money for a politician's son they would be taking precautions.

And he was right.

Once the back door was in sight, he saw a thug leaning against the wall with his gun resting against a box in front of him.

He looked bored. That was good.

Wooyoung smirked as he picked up a rock and threw it at the far end of the alley.

The man straightened up and grabbed his gun, pointing it in the direction of the sound as he started to walk forward.

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