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Mingi beamed as he walked through the grocery store holding hands with Hongjoong. They were dressed in normal street clothes, and Hongjoong was wearing a ball cap to cover his noticeable hair, just in case. But this time was perfect.

And the older looked like he was enjoying it too.

Despite what had happened back home, once they were out together, Hongjoong had a bright smile on his face.

"Oh! Yunho! Remember that time you tried to make friend rice and it ended up being black much?" Hongjoong asked, poking the taller's side.

Yunho's ears turned bright red as he looked at the rice packets in front of him. "Y-Yeah, well... At least I didn't crash the squad car five times." He said quickly, then started laughing when Hongjoong pursed his lips and turned back to Mingi.

"I've never made fried rice before." San said quietly, picking up the package and reading the back of it.

Yunho looked down at him with a soft smile. "Let's get some and I'll see if I can redeem myself."

San beamed at him and placed the bag in the shopping cart.

The four of them meandered up and down the isles, chatting peacefully about random things. And one point, Yunho muttered something about needing to look at the coffee and San followed him to find that specific isle.

"Not to much Yunho! You've been doing so good!" Hongjoong shouted after him, to which the taller just flopped his hand around in the air.

Mingi let out a low laugh and pulled Hongjoong too him. They were alone in the isle, so he took advantage of it by grabbing Hongjoong's chin and tilting his head back so Mingi could lean over and give him a quick kiss.

Hongjoong placed his hand on Mingi's neck in response and hummed slightly before pulling away. "What was that for?"

"Just because." Mingi said, taking his hand again as they finished continued shopping.

They tried to avoid going out to busy places like this as much as possible, so their grocery trips involved a lot of stocking up and buying a lot of non perishable items.

Yunho and San came back at some point with an armful of coffee and candy. Hongjoong tried to tell them off, but the pair ended up running down another isle. Then Yunho shouted, "HoHong for life! You know you can't say no to me!"

Hongjoong turned bright red in response and let out a long irritated and defeated sigh. Yunho had won.

They were getting ready to check out when there was a loud tire screech outside the store. Mingi craned his neck to try and see what car had caused it.

Then the screaming started.

Mingi's eyes widened as he saw a large suv drive straight through the front windows.

Out of instinct, he grab Hongjoong and pressed him into one of the shelves so he could shield him from the flying shards of glass and other debris sent flying by the car.

The engine revved and Mingi glanced over his shoulder to try and figure out what was going on. The windows were severely tinted, so there was no way to see who was driving. But the car looked like it didn't have a scratch on it.

The door opened up and gunfire rang through the store, making the screams increase.

"We have to get out of here!" Mingi shouted.

Hongjoong peeked under his arm and nodded before swiping his hand over the bracelet on his wrist. "Yeosang! Yeosang pick up!" He hissed.

"Yeah! Yeah I'm here, are you ok?"

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