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Yeosang and Jongho spent the taking taking turns on who would watch the screen for signs of when the Wolf Pack stopped.

He insisted that Jongho sleep first since he was out of the field.

But he had no desire to be apart from the younger, so they moved his bed so that it was right in front of the monitors in his room.

This allowed then to both lie down in bed together.

Jongho fell asleep quickly after pulling Yeosang into him, wrapping one arm around the hackers face and stretching the other one out so Yeosang could lay on it. Then he curled it around to wrap around Yeosang's chest.

The older couldn't help but smile as he settled into the embrace and glued his eyes to the monitor.

Jongho's soft breath heated up the back of his neck and he passed the time by counting each one.

He was already planning on going with the others when they left. There was something about the urgency of this mission that scared him, and he had no intention of being left behind.

Yeosang may not be the best fighter, but he was going to do everything he could to help the others.

Plus he didn't want to be parted from Jongho, not right now.

After a few hours, he gently nudged Jongho awake and rolled over to face the fighter.

Jongho stared back, then pulled Yeosang a little closer. He connected their foreheads and rubbed their noses together.

A few soft words were exchanged between then as Yeosang worked on falling asleep. Words filled with apologies, feelings, and worries. But they needed to be said, and in the end they were sealed with a kiss that took his breath away.

The younger hummed gently to help lull him to sleep and promised to wake Yeosang in a few hours.

But he was woken up much sooner than that.

Only about an hour later, he was shaken awake with Jongho speaking urgently over him. "Yeosang! They've stopped, get up!"

Yeosang sat up and turned to his screens.

The Pack had indeed stopped, but it wasn't at the docks where they had been set up before. It looked to be some abandoned area south of the city.

They must be trying to throw them off the scent, and that had to mean they didn't know Yeosang had been following them with a drone.

The couple bolted from the room and woke everyone up.

It sent the house into a flurry of commotion as everyone worked to load up their two cars with everything they had at their disposal.

Yeosang worked to hack into the tablet that had been used to control San, turning it into a device for his own use. He kept the programming so he could monitor San if need be, but he could also adjust the headband settings through it as well as control his drones.

To save on time, they got in the cars before talking about anything.

Hongjoong and Mingi were in their leaders car while the other six piled into the suv. Once the gps was set and they were on the road, Hongjoong addressed them through their bracelets.

"Alright, this is it. This is our last chance. I'm sure they are going to be expecting us to do something, but their numbers were hit during their attack on the facility. That should give us a little bit of an advantage because they will hopefully be a little shaken. We need to be smart about this and stay together. Our main goal will be stopping whatever it is they are building." Hongjoong's voice was firm as he spoke, not giving any sign he was nervous.

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