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Wooyoung groaned as he pushed himself off the ground.

The heat from the fire threatened to sear his skin as he looked around at the wall of flames on all sides.

He had thought things were too easy.

There were too few guards and he and San had been able to get ride of them too quickly. They must have been the unwanted grunts of the group.

His eyes found where Seonghwa was holding his head, then did a quick check on the others.

No one seemed injured from the explosion.

But how the hell were they supposed to get out of this? They didn't have anything to combat a fire.

Wooyoung glanced around as it was getting harder and harder to breath.

The flames started to get closer. There must have been something poured on the crates to help them burn because there was nothing visibly flammable.

He pushed himself off the ground, coughing repeatedly as he crawled to Seonghwa's side.

The older's large hand found his face as Seonghwa looked him over.

"H-Hwa." Wooyoung forced out through his coughing.

He pointed over his shoulder at the one thing that could help them.

A short distance away there was a large stack of containers held together by several lines of rope.

Seonghwa understood immediately and pulled his sniper rifle out. While he got it situated, Wooyoung turned and motioned for the others to stand back. They huddled together and watched with curious but worried expressions as Seonghwa tried to line up his shot.

But he was coughing too much and couldn't keep the rifle still.

He snapped his fingers, making Wooyoung look at the direction of the sound out of instinct. The older pointed in front of him.

Wooyoung moved and let Seonghwa position him into a crouch facing away.

When the barrel of the gun appeared in his peripheral vision and the weight was placed on his shoulders, Wooyoung's heart started to race and he lifted his hands to his ears to plug them.

Seonghwa rubbed up and down his spine twice to try and reassure him before working to line up the shot.

Wooyoung exhaled and then didn't inhale again so that he didn't risk coughing anymore.

The first shot fired, and even with his ears plugged, his ears rang. The recoil jerked his shoulder back and he flinched at the power from the gun.

He felt Seonghwa lining up his second shot and kept his eyes closed.

The rifle was fired three times before it was lifted from his shoulder.

Seonghwa immediately started to rub his shoulder while they both looked up to see the stack of containers tip over and fall, smothering the fire in front of them.

Wooyoung stood up and ran to the closest one. It was too tall for them to climb, but he was able to yank open the doors and ran down the long container.

The others were close behind but no one spoke as they watched him pull out a large serrated knife. He jabbed it into the metal end of the box. He started to to saw back and forth, shivering at the grating sound. Sparks even flew occasionally.

When he started to tire, Jongho came and took his place. He sawed back and forth at a quick pace.

And he needed to.

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