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"I want rooms five, seven, nine, and eleven set up to these specifications." Hongjoong said to the officers in front of him. They were some of the few that supported this idea, so he knew he could count on them so do things right.

They nodded and hurried out of his office.

Yunho walked in at the same moment, blowing the steam away from his cup. "Hey Joong. Getting everything ready?" He asked, lifting an eyebrow as the other officers walked by.

"Yeah. I want to run a few training courses to see what their strengths and weaknesses are. I know we know a few of them already, but if we are going to do this we need to know their weaknesses more than anything. That way we can keep them out of situations that could put them in danger."

The taller hummed and came to stand next to him. "Well I can already guess and say that Yeosang isn't a fighter."

Hongjoong chuckled. "I agree. But he should be taught how to defend himself. You and I will go through some training too. So we can brush up on our skills."

"Yeah that's probably a good idea. We can't be making a fool of ourselves in front of a bunch of criminals." Yunho said with a smile, although Hongjoong heard a sarcastic note to his voice.

The older just rolled his eyes slightly and looked down at the six files in front of him. His small, meticulous notes covered every inch of their prison bio. He had been jotting down thoughts and observations since he first interviewed them. "So if you were to build the team right now, what would you do? What is your instinct?"

Yunho picked at his lip and sat on the other side of the desk, swirling his coffee in circles. "It's kind of hard to say right now, but from what I know about them... Honestly, like I said, Yeosang isn't a fighter. So I'd set him up in a safe room somewhere so he could be our 'eye in the sky' so to speak. I'd probably leave... Jongho behind to protect him. He seems observant and like he would make a good wall if needed. I'm assuming he's a good fighter too if he was able to start that fighting ring."

Hongjoong nodded along with him. That had been his first instinct with those two as well. This is why he and Yunho made such a good team. They had a lot of the same thoughts, but Yunho was able to tame some of his impulsive nature while he helped get Yunho out of his comfort zone.

"Seonghwa would probably switch between two positions. If he is as talented with guns as we think he is, then he could be useful both up front while in the buildings as well as providing cover from a sniper position. Mingi and Wooyoung would be our front line. Both seem like they are stealthy enough, and Wooyoung would be good at the sneak attacks while Mingi could get us into places. And San..." Yunho paused. "I have no idea with him. I suppose that we will find out as we go through training."

"Perfect. I think that sounds like a good set up too. And that's what I was going to gear the training toward as well. But like I said, I want to try and fine-tune their abilities too so they aren't left undefended."

Yunho hummed in agreement as he gulped down the rest of his coffee. If he didn't seem to need it to function Hongjoong would have gotten rid of the coffee machine a long time ago. But a coffee deprived Yunho was not a good person to be around...

Hongjoong shuddered at the thought and pinched the bridge of his nose. This had to work. He didn't know what he would do if it didn't.

It didn't take long for the training rooms to get set up. While they were, the pair decided to have them go through the training course in pairs, so that way they could start to learn to work as a team, but they didn't have to manage all six prisoners at once.

It was time to get things started.




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