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You're pathetic. Worthless. How could you do this to us?


Weak. Useless.


Show us how strong you are San. Prove to us that you are worthy.

San shifted in bed and tried to focus on the door. He wouldn't let them take over. He couldn't... Not after last night.

You don't need him. We will take care of you. You saw what happened at the bank. You could have that kind of power.

But he didn't want it. He wanted the happiness he had found with Yunho.

San bit his lip and sat up in bed, gently lifting the arm around his waist off him and glancing down at the taller.

Yunho's cheeks were slightly rosy as he smacked his lips and rubbed his nose before rolling over. He looked so peaceful when he slept.

Now's your chance. Do it.

San shook his head and slipped out of bed. If he couldn't get them to stop, then he knew he needed to take himself away from what was causing them to act up.


His head snapped the the side. He could feel the darkness starting to take over. "No! I don't serve you!"

Yes you do. The voices started to chant over and over again.

San felt himself losing the battle. He almost turned around to go back to Yunho, but he knew that if he lost at the wrong moment, it could mean Yunho's life. So he ran in the other direction, and was then slammed against the wall by some invisible force as he lost himself to the other side...

His eyes narrowed as he looked both direction.

Back the way he came was the one who was destroying him. In front of him were other targets that posed a threat, one being the cowardly boy who had recognized one of the men today.

San chuckled as he remembered the terrified look on the boy's face. He had every right to be afraid.

But for now... There was something he needed to do.

So he turned down the hall he knew would lead him to the main computer system.

He peeked in the door and saw that the hacker was curled up on his bed in the corner. Moving on silent feet, San grabbed the single laptop he had and sat out in the hallway.

The idiot was too trusting and didn't set up a passcode, making it all to easy to send the small piece of information out that was needed. Then he put the laptop back exactly where he found it and made his way back to his room.

The driver was still sound asleep in the bed. As much as it might simplify things to just end him now... It could complicate things in the future.

So he crawled back into bed and slowly released the hold on his body and nestled back into Yunho's arms.





Jongho tapped the table nervously as he waiting for the meeting to start. Everyone was on edge now that Hongjoong had called a 'family meeting' and was sitting at the head of the table.

His face was set in a scowl as he stared at the table. If he had the ability to burn things just from his gaze, there would be a hole in the table...

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