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Yunho cursed at himself as he juggled several different cups of coffee in his arms. Ever since Hongjoong had taken over a chief, he had become the runner for supplies, and today it was coffee.

He handed one cup to the new secretary that sat right outside the main office, and another one to one of the lead officers before stepping into the chief's office.

Hongjoong lived his head up and flashed a short smile before returning to the stack of paper work in front of him.

"Here you go, boss." Yunho said, placing a large cup in front of his friend and then setting the other three he was carrying down on his desk.

"Please don't call me that." Hongjoong said with a groan as he ran his hand through his blue-black hair.

"How can I not? It's ACTUALLY true now! So I can call you boss all I want! What's the plan for today, BOSS? What are we going to do to turn this place around? What's the plan? What can I do to help? Wha-"

"OK!" Hongjoong said, jumping up and walking over to Yunho. "No more coffee for you."

"But I haven't had that much today!" The taller said, feeling a pout crossing his lip.

"Yeah, you always lie about these things so you're cut off." Hongjoong grabbed the three cups of coffee and dumped them out in the sink.

Yunho couldn't help but let out a little whimper as he saw it disappear down the drain.

"Now, to answer some of your questions, my plan for right now is to go through everything and get organized, I want to know who we have in our prisons and who our targets are. I'm not going to hold back like the last chief did. We are going to do things the right way." Hongjoong said, running his finger over his scarred eyebrow.

It was a habit Hongjoong had picked up on shortly after he had received the scar from a gang fight he had gotten into shortly after getting his job with the force. Now he wore it like a badge of honor and seeing him do that always brought a smile to Yunho's face.

"Ok, what have you done so far?" He asked, playing with the braid in his hair and the small medallion at the end of it.

"Well," Hongjoong motioned to a stack of files to his left, "These are the men we have in prison." Then he motioned to an even taller stack on his right. "These are the targets for the area."

"Damn." Yunho said, arching his eyebrows. "Sooooooo what do you want me to do?"

"Whichever you're more comfortable with." The older sighed as he sat back down. "This is probably going to take a couple of weeks for us to straighten out and organize depending on how many interruptions I get. I told the force to try and limit calling me as much as they can until I have this place situated..."

"I'm sure we can handle that. Did you give out assignments for the next few days then?"


Yunho pursed his lips. "And what do you want me to you? Patrol? Ticketing?"

Hongjoong looked up and gave him a smile. "I don't care what they say, you're still my partner so you're staying right here."

A wide smile crossed Yunho's faced as he jumped up and grabbed some of the files on Hongjoong's right and sorted through them.

It was a tedious task, but he started a system that he felt worked well. He started with sorting them by the major crime they had committed, be it robbery, arson, or murder. Those files he had a hard time reading... How could anyone be so sick and twisted that they would be ok with murdering an innocent person? It made his stomach churn, especially when he thought of...

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