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Hongjoong had just finished helping Yunho to the living room when Yeosang came flying into the living room.

"Joong. Bad news." He said, his face white as he caught his breath.

"What's the matter?"

"I just heard from Seonghwa. They are attacking the facility. Tonight."

"What?!" Mingi stepped away from he wall he had been leaning against. "I thought we had until the end of the week?"

"So did I. Seonghwa must not have had time to explain, but he's telling the truth. I'm tracking both him and Wooyoung right now." Yeosang started wringing his wrists as he looked at everyone.

San immediately stood up and gave Hongjoong a nod. "I'm ready. But Yunho should stay here with Yeosang."

"Now we both know that's not happening." Yunho started to get off the couch, but both Hongjoong and San forced him to sit.

"Nice try." Hongjoong said. "But San's right. You're not fit enough to go. Stay here and help Yeosang."

His friend crossed his arms at let out a low growl, but thankfully stopped fighting.

Mingi and Jongho ran to their weapons and started going through them.

It was like a timer had been set and they didn't know when the bomb was going to go off...

"Hongjoong, I don't think I need to stress how bad of a situation we are in. We are under staffed, unequipped, and I don't have what I need to protect you." Yeosang hissed.

"We will make due. We are closer to the facility so maybe we can get in and warn them. If not then we will be there to support him." Hongjoong said as he started lacing up his boots.

"Hongjoong, its four of you against the entire Wolf Pack!" Yeosang shouted, his voice getting louder the more he spoke. "This is a suicide mission!"

"I don't care!" Hongjoong shouted back. "I will not sit by when I know something is going down. Plus two of our members are going to be there and in danger! I will NOT let this opportunity pass by when we have the chance to get them back!"

Yeosang groaned and tugged at his hair. "I can't sit by and just watch you all die!"

"We're not going to die." Jongho's voice suddenly cut in as he walked in carrying a few guns and straps for Hongjoong.

The older noticed Yeosang's face drop as soon as the fighter stepped into the room. He almost looked... Scared.

"We are ready to go. Mingi and I have the car loaded, San is getting Yunho taken care of now."

Hongjoong nodded and started strapping on the holsters. He had two cross-body ones that formed an 'X' over his chest and back. It gave him the ability to carry four hand guns total, as well as several clips to reload quickly.

Around his waist, he strapped another holster that allowed him to carry several more clips.

He and San were going to be the main gunners. Mingi could use a gun but he preferred knives, so he would have a bit of both. And Jongho would have guns only for protection.

As Hongjoong got himself adjusted, Jongho tightened the leather, fingerless gloves he had on. They were specially made for him because thick metal rounds had been sewn into the knuckles to give him more power in his punches. The same had been done to his elbows, knees, and his boots as well.

"Alright. I'm ready." Hongjoong said. "I'm counting on you to keep an eye on us." He turned to Yeosang and held out his hand.

The younger shook it slowly and nodded. "You know I will."

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