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"Is this information accurate?" Hongjoong asked, staring down at the piece of paper in front of him. It had details about a hinted attack on a local gun shop. Something about a supply run for one of the smaller gangs in town.

"I believe so. It was just emailed to me five minutes ago." The officer said, nodding as he spoke.

"Thank you. I will get a group together." Hongjoong dismissed him and started pacing the room.

This would be a perfect test. The prisoners were still new, but they had done well in pairs so far. San had been benched for the time being, but Hongjoong had used Yeosang and Jongho a little more to fill in the gap.

The five of them seemed to be getting along well so far and were learning from each other quickly.

Yeosang was still timid when it came to using weapons, but he had learned enough to at least defend himself and that was a start.

Jongho had been giving fighting lessons. The fact that he owned a fighting ring was evident because he was a really good teacher. Everyone seemed to pick up from him quickly.

For something like this, Hongjoong felt that four total should be enough to get the job done. It sounded like a small job. He pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to Yunho to have him come to the office.

The taller had been all over the place since Dr. Kim had confirmed his suspicions about San. It worried Hongjoong that his friend was suddenly so involved with the younger... He was still a murderer, even if he couldn't remember doing it. They had found proof of his prints at several crime scenes.

"What's up?" Yunho said as he popped into the office.

"I think we have our first test for a team." Hongjoong looked up at him and held out the piece of paper.

Yunho's eyes actually lit up a little as he read through the note. "Who are you thinking?"

"I'll take point. And I was thinking Mingi, Seonghwa, and Jongho."

He watched as Yunho pushed out his lips as he fell deep into thought. Then he nodded slowly. "Yeah. Yeah I think that sounds like a good idea. Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?"

"Yeah. I can handle three of them. Plus I'll have Seonghwa positioned on a roof so really it'll be three of us together on the ground. You can stay here and work with the others. I want you to get a list from Yeosang about the gear he will need. I'm working on building him a safe room that he can set up in so he can start monitoring everything."

Yunho gave him a look of surprise, but nodded. "Ok. Let's do this then."





Jongho stroked his chin as he listened to Hongjoong explain to the small group what was going on.

A smaller gang in town had let slip that they were planning on robbing a local gun store to stock up on supplies. It made sense that groups would need to get more weapons, but to rob an entire store? It seemed a little fishy to Jongho, and he could tell that Seonghwa felt the same way by the way his eyes narrowed.

Hongjoong seemed confident though. "Seonghwa, I want you positioned on the roof opposite from the store to keep look out for us."

"I can do that." The oldest nodded, straightening up a little.

"Good, at the end here tell me what equipment you need and I'll make sure you have it. And Mingi and Jongho, you will be with me. We will set up an ambush for the group and hopefully take them down. I'd like to take them alive if we can. Any information we can get from them will be useful."

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