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Mingi fiddled with the lock in his hand as he stared at the garage door, waiting for it to open and for either Yunho or Hongjoong to pull in.

He had tasked Yeosang with keeping an eye on them, and he came out at one point to let Mingi know that they had been at a large cemetery east of town.

Knowing the location didn't sit well with Mingi. He was worried for both of them because Hongjoong had seemed really distressed as well.

Plus the older had left with out explaining.

Mingi took a deep breath and tried to control the small monster that was threatening to come out. He knew Hongjoong and Yunho had been friends for ages, but Mingi couldn't help but feel a little jealous that Hongjoong was willing to drop everything to run after him like this... Especially after seeing the way Yunho would look at him sometimes.

But who was he kidding... It's not like he and Hongjoong had made anything official... Just a few stolen kisses here and there in the privacy of their rooms.

Maybe Hongjoong was trying to decide between the two of them?

Mingi didn't like the thought of that at all... But he would fight if he needed to.

His parents used to tell him stories about 'the one'. That there was one person who could turn your life upside down in unexpected ways. That's what his dad said his mom did to him.

Mingi didn't really believe in it.

Until Hongjoong.

He sighed and shook his head. Maybe he was just being a fool...

Just as he threw the lock down in frustration and was going to head inside, the garage door opened and Hongjoong's car rolled in.

The older looked tired but there was a small smile on his face. But no Yunho or San...

Mingi arched an eyebrow as Hongjoong stepped out of his car and shut the door while the garage door shut. "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Waiting for you." Mingi answered, trying to keep the scowl off his face that was threatening to come through.

"You didn't have to do that." Hongjoong froze, studying the taller.

"Is everything ok?"

The older sighed and ruffled his hair. "Yeah, I think it will be. I just needed to make sure Yunho's ok."

Mingi's stomach flipped as Hongjoong glanced at the empty space where Yunho's car would normally be. It was like Hongjoong would rather still be with Yunho... "Where is he?"

"He needed to stay behind. Hopefully he will be back soon. San stayed with him"

"Should you go back? It looks like you'd rather be with him right now." Mingi said, crossing his arms.

"And what is that supposed to mean? You have no idea what's going right now." Hongjoong said, his tone getting a little harsh.

"Maybe not, but I know that it hurt seeing you drop everything and run after him without another word... I thought... I thought we were..." Mingi turned his head away. "But I guess it would make sense if you wanted to be with him, you guys have been together longer. I'm just the... I don't even know what I am... I'll just go now." Mingi started walking toward the door when Hongjoong stopped him by grabbing his hand.

"What on earth are you talking about Mingi?" The older looked shocked and very confused. "If you're implying that I want to... to... Just, no. I don't see Yunho in that way at all."

Mingi's heart started to pound a little harder. "But... I've seen the way he looks at you."

"What are you talking about? Mingi, I thought I made it obvious that I..." Hongjoong turned bright red and looked down at their joined hands. "That I wanted to try... Whatever this is..."

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