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Hongjoong kept the gas pedal flush with the floor as often as he could. The research facility was so far north that thankfully there was hardly any cars on the road. Especially the closer they got to midnight.

And he didn't care if there were any cop cars out on patrol. He had given San orders to shoot their tires if anyone tried to pull them over.

His mind was only on getting to their target.

And he prayed they got there before the Wolf Pack.

They needed a chance to try and talk to the people working there. To warn them... But he also wanted to know what the heck the Pack was after.

What was so important that they were willing to take on an almost militarized research facility?

He growled to himself as his questions remained unanswered.

Mingi glanced at him and placed a hand on his thigh. "Deep breath. You need to try and stay calm." His deep voice rolled over the older and he did feel himself relax a little.

"I know. There's just so much we still don't know about this, and I hate it!" He slammed the steering wheel with his hand.

Jongho leaned forward from the backseat. "Don't get angry. Then you're playing right into their hands. This has all been a game from the start."

Hongjoong glanced at the younger in the rear view mirror and nodded. "You're right. I'm sorry, I'm just not used to being out of the loop. Usually there is some kind of a clue I can latch on to. But this time... We've just had failure after failure."

"I wouldn't say that." San said, now leaning forward as well. "You helped me. You helped all of us Hongjoong, and gave us a second chance."

Mingi's hand tightened on his thigh in a silent agreement.

The car fell into silence, other than the constant roar of the engine, as they all prepared for themselves for what was about to happen.





Wooyoung tried to swallow the lump in his throat as he pushed his cheek into Seonghwa's thigh, seeking some sort of comfort.

He got it from the gentle fingers raking through his hair, and it helped. A little.

Mercer's words terrified him though.

This 'switch' he was talking about... It didn't sound like anything good.i

"We are approaching the target zone." The driver said. He lifted his foot off the gas pedal and let the truck coast for a distance.

Seonghwa looked down and let out a soft sigh and mouthed 'I love you' while rubbing his cheek.

Wooyoung blinked in response and leaned into the touch, enjoying the moment before it would all be taken away.

When the truck came to a stop, Mercer got out first. He stood off to the side with his hands clasped behind his back while Seonghwa step out and dragged Wooyoung behind him. Then force of his pull sent Wooyoung to his knees, forcing a whimper out of him.

"Get up." Seonghwa ordered, yanking on the rope again.

The younger stood on wobbling legs and kept his head bowed as he went to stand beside Seonghwa.

Then he was surprised by Mercer moving to untie him. He flexed his hands and started rubbing them to get some of the circulation back.

"You." The man growled, grabbing Wooyoung's jaw and squeezing before removing the gag. "Will do what I say, when I say to do it. Got it?"

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