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Everything had happened so fast that San didn't quite now how to process it all.

Before he had been told to help pack up the complex, San had been packing up his things and was ready to leave.

He was too much of a coward to just turn himself in at the station again, so he had been planning on striking out on his own and trying to survive. He obviously had some skills if he had been able to break into houses and kill people...

But then Hongjoong had called for a full evacuation and he fell into line with the rest of his team out of habit.

And the think that worried him most about it was the fact that he hadn't seen Yunho at all...

Now he was curled up in the very back seat, his face pressed into the leather, as he tried to calm his racing heart.

He was terrified that Hongjoong hadn't found Yunho... Or that he had and Yunho just didn't want to see San ever again...

That was the most plausible option.

And San couldn't blame him at all. He had ruined everything... Long before they had even met.

He could hear the others whispering but he didn't care to try and even attempt to eavesdrop. All he wanted to do was just disappear.

As they spent more and more time driving, San decided that he would help them unload and get situated and then slip out the back when no one was looking.

It would be better for everyone if he just disappeared. Then he couldn't hurt anyone else.

Eventually, he felt the car slow down to a stop and he sat up. Looking out the window, it looked like an old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere.

They got out of the car one by one and walked over to where Hongjoong was stepping out of his.

"What is this place?" Mingi asked, staring at the old house.

The older ran his foot over the dirt patch they had parked on and fiddled with his fingers. "It's the house my dad wanted to move us to before he died. He had been working on renovating it, so it's not perfect. But it has power and internet." He said, sending a nervous glance in Yeosang's direction.

"Then it will be perfect." Yeosang said, smiling at their leader.

San chewed on his lip, trying to ignore the fact that Yunho wasn't with them.

"But anyway, we need to get moving. Yeosang, will you grab the medical bag? Mingi, Jongho, I need your help to get Yunho inside."

At that, San perked up and watched as Mingi slowly pulled Yunho from the backseat of Hongjoong's car. He was ghostly white, making the cuts and scraps he got from falling on the broken dishes stand out even more... Mingi and Jongho worked to carry him into the house.

As much as San had tried to convince himself to stay away, he couldn't. not when he saw Yunho like this. He ran forward and practically shoved Jongho out of the way to take his spot as his eyes started to water while holding Yunho's legs. "Wh-What happened?" He asked, looking at Hongjoong.

The older cringed. "I found him at... At the graveyard..."

San flinched and let out a little whimper.

"And as we were coming back, he just collapsed." Hongjoong finished.

When they were inside, he directed them to one of the bedrooms in the back and placed Yunho on it. San leaned over him and brushed the hair out of his face.

He was burning up...

Now that he was laying down, Yunho's head started to rock back and forth and he let out a little moan.

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