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As soon as Yunho collapsed, Hongjoong ran forward and started dragging him to the car. He opened up the door to the back seat and clambered in, pulling the taller behind him. It was a struggle, because Yunho was just dead weight right now, but he managed to get Yunho's legs propped up so his knees were bent, allowing him to shut the doors.

He jumped behind the wheel and pressed the pedal to the floor, squealing out of the parking lot and spraying water everywhere.

"Mingi." Hongjoong said into his bracelet.

"Did you find him?"

"I did, and he's not in good shape. I'm going to need your help getting him inside." Hongjoong glanced in the rear view mirror and cursed when he saw how pale Yunho was.

"I'm out front already. Do you want me to tell San?"

"Where is he?"

"In his room. I convinced him to try and get some sleep to help the time pass." Mingi sounded out of breath, indication he had run outside.

"Thank you, I'll be there soon." Hongjoong swerved around a corner to take a back road to the complex. He couldn't take Yunho to a hospital because that would leave him vulnerable to attack. After Seonghwa and Wooyoung were taken, Hongjoong had decided that the best place for them to stay was at the complex. He was going to have Yeosang work on the security system and try to make it a little stronger. They would be able to defend it better too.

There was no way he was going to split up the team now and leave someone by themselves at a hospital. Plus they had a wide array of medical supplies that he had purchased for them anyway.

As he was driving, his phone started ringing. Hongjoong worked to pull it out of his pocket and put it on speaker. "This is Chief Kim."

"Hongjoong what is going on?" It was Agent Yeo. And he didn't sound happy. "I didn't receive the statements for the bank heist, and now I'm getting reports of Yunho's car speeding through the city! You have thirty seconds to explain."

"I'm sorry Sir, things have been hectic. We were attacked at the complex and have been trying to pull back from that. Some of us were also attacked at a grocery store. I spoke with some of the officers who came to the scene that day so they sho-"

"Yeah I know about that. I saw the footage too. But why wasn't I informed you were attacked?"


"Do NOT tell me it's been busy! I put my faith in you Hongjoong! I stuck my neck out for YOU. Do you have any idea how my trouble I MYSELF am in right now?"

Hongjoong flinched away from the phone as the other's voice got louder.

"I need you to come by the precinct and turn in your badge. You're fired. And we will be rounding up your criminals too."

"No! Please, Sir. We can do this!" Hongjoong begged while continuing to weave in and out of traffic.

"Do WHAT exactly?! It's been months, Kim. MONTHS. And you have made no progress! Turn in your gun and badge, NOW. You're finished!" The agent hung up the phone and Hongjoong felt like his world stopped. It took all his skill to stay concentrated on the road as he tried to dial up the complex again.

"Y-Yeosang." He said. He could feel his hands shaking violently.

"What is it?"

"Tell the others to pack up everything they can. We have to leave, now."

"What's going on?" The younger asked.

"There's no time. Pack EVERYTHING you can!" Hongjoong yelled, feeling his rage and fear getting the better of him.

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