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"I'm so proud of you." Yunho said as he closed the door to San's room. The younger turned to him with a half smile, but also a confused look in his eyes. "You did well fighting against the voices today from what it sounds like."

San hummed and moved to his bed. He sat in the corner and pulled his stuffed dog to his chest to bury his nose in it.

The taller tilted his head. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just scared of what could have happened." San mumbled into the stuffed animal while closing his eyes. Yunho went to sit on the bed next to him. "They... They got excited when they saw the bombs. They wanted me to activate them. I probably would have if the explosion hadn't happened on it's own. I was lost to them for a moment, and I know Youngie saw it." San whimpered as his shoulders started to shake.

"Hey, it's ok." Yunho pulled San to him and kissed the top of his head. "You've been doing so well, no one is going to fault you for having a small slip up."

"But at such a crucial time? If the explosion hadn't happened, I would have either caused it myself... or they would have made me do something to Wooyoung. He was such an easy target."

"But you didn't, that's the most important thing. Even if the explosion acted as a distraction for the voices, it allowed you to regain control, right?"

San whimpered again and looked up at him. "Yeah. It did."

"And then you stayed in control. And you fought well. I saw you protecting Hongjoong and Mingi."

Now a proud smile crossed San's face before he nuzzled into Yunho's side.

"Baby steps. That's all that can be asked of you right now." The taller whispered, rubbing San's arm as he watched the younger close his eyes and relax in to him. "I have a question for you."

"What is it?"

"I've been talking with Dr. Kim, and he is wanting to do a scan of your brain. I guess there are different parts of the brain that can trigger different things, and by doing a scan we can try to pinpoint what's going on and try to treat it. Does that sound like something you'd be comfortable with?"

San chewed on his bottom lip for a moment. "Do you think I should do it?"

"It wouldn't hurt. The machine is safe, just very loud. But I can be in there with you if you'd like. If... If we know what could be triggering this, then there are methods that have been developed to try and treat it and help you through it." Yunho said, now chewing on his own lip.

"Did Yuri do it?"

The taller shook his head. "No. She was afraid of small spaces, so being in the machine scared her."

San hummed and squeezed his dog. "Ok. I'll try it. If you think it'll help me."

"I do." He kissed the top of San's head. "I really do, Sannie."

He saw San's cheeks turn red before the younger tried to press himself a little closer.

Yunho really was proud of him. Tonight was a test for the younger. There was a lot more going on than what they had expected and he wasn't really surprised that San had been overwhelmed. Yunho had felt overwhelmed just listening to the commentary over the head piece...

Then when they started yelling at San to get down, Yunho's heart had dropped with fear. He knew he shouldn't have, but he couldn't contain himself anymore when he had decided to drive into the fighting that was going on. All he wanted was to go protect San.

He felt his heart warming as he gazed down at the boy. Who would have thought that Yunho would open his heart to someone like him? But it felt good knowing that someone needed him.

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