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"Alright, do you have everything you think you need?" Yunho asked as he looked around San's room. They had just put the finishing touches on it to try and make him feel more comfortable.

The younger stood in the center of it, hands clasped in front of him, as he looked around nervously.

The bed had been situated in the corner with a large, fluffy comforter and several pillows. There was a small, stuffed dog on there too. San had asked for one to sleep with at night and Yunho couldn't find it in his heart to say now.

He hoped that it would help, along with the bright pictures on the wall. He was also given a desk and Yunho had bought him a few journals for him to write down his thoughts in.

San seemed to like the idea and was willing to try it.

He hadn't had an 'episode' for a few days now, so Yunho had faith that the medicine was working. Dr. Kim had also come by to see him for the first therapy session.

That went very well and San seemed very relaxed after it.

"I don't think so." San mumbled.

"It's ok San. You don't need to be scared." Yunho said, moving to stand next to him and place a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm not. I just feel... weird. I can't remember the last time I had a room to call my own."

Once again Yunho felt his heart break at San's words. He had gone through life alone, without any help besides the 'help' the voices claimed to give him.

They only succeeded in landing him in jail.

With Yuri, Yunho had been a constant support for her after their parents died so she always had someone to lean on.

San turned to look at him with a genuine smile on his face. "Thank you for this."

Yunho shook his hands back and forth. "You don't need to thank me. It's really not a big deal. I just hope you'll be comfortable in here."

The younger rubbed his arm and looked around again. "Me too."

"Come on, Hongjoong wanted to have a group meeting to go over a few things."

San's smile grew as he followed Yunho out of his room and down the stairs.

Everyone else was already gathered in their living room, all sitting a little ways away from each other. Except for Mingi and Hongjoong. The two of them were talking to each other quietly at the front of the room.

Yunho paused when he saw a smile cross Hongjoong's face at something the taller said. It was a smile he had never seen before... What was going on there?

He felt himself bristling a little bit as he watched the pair.

Then he felt San stop next to him and he turned to see a worried look on San's face as he looked around the room.

"It's ok." Yunho whispered, walking over to the couch and sitting on the end. He patted the cushion next to him and San quickly came to sit down, fiddling with his own hands.

Yeosang, who was on Yunho's other side, leaned forward to look at San. He still showed signs of being a little scared of the younger, but at least he forced a small smile as he asked, "Did you get your room situated San?"

"Y-Yes, I did." San glanced at him and sat up a little straighter.

"It's really nice here, isn't it?" Yeosang let out a soft chuckle, then sat back as Hongjoong cleared his throat and turned to the group.

Yunho watched as everyone leaned forward accept for Wooyoung, who was situated in the corner of the 'L' shaped couch with this foot propped up on a pillow.

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