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Seonghwa had to admit that the new base was impressive. If he was still a part of the Wolf Pack he would have loved being here. It was deep enough underground that no scans would be able to detect it.

Meaning Yeosang wouldn't be able to find them...

And it looked like there were several rooms down here where men were building weapons or repairing vehicles or monitoring the city.

There as an entire operation going on that had Seonghwa completely puzzled.

"What is it that you are planning, Father?" He asked, trying to sound genuinely concerned so he could earn his father's trust back.

"All in good time, Son." The man turned to him with a proud look in his eyes. "But for now I want to know what you have been up to. I was surprised to see you at that compound. How long were you with them for?"

Seonghwa paused, trying to think of the best thing to say, especially with Wooyoung right behind him.

"A few months." He answered honestly.

"And what was the purpose of that place?" His father slowed down the pace and turned to his son.

"They..." Seonghwa took a deep breath, hoping the others would forgive him. "They were a secret part of the police agency used to help track down criminals."

His father glanced at the floor. Seonghwa took the chance to glance at Wooyoung.

He had a look of horror on his face as he shook his head slightly.

"Well you must have been a great asset to them then." His father said, reclaiming Seonghwa's attention. "What with your training and skills. What did they have on you to make you stay?"

"Yes, they saw that as valuable and recruited me straight away. They recognized me... They knew exactly who I was." Seonghwa shoved his hands in his pockets to hide the fact that they were shaking.

"Your team members must not have been very good. I don't recall seeing any major arrests over the past few months." The man chuckled while rubbing his bare chin.

That stung... But Seonghwa couldn't jump to their defense right now. The man was right... They hadn't accomplished much since getting together. But they had been getting to the point of working as a functioning team, so they could have succeeded. Maybe.

"What was this one's job?"

Seonghwa's heart sank even further, indicating it was still there and his suffering wasn't over, as his father walked over to Wooyoung.

The younger tried to shrink away from him, but he was surrounded by three men so there was no where to go.

"Let me guess. Was he the groups play thing? I'm assuming you know of his past?" The smirk that crossed his father's face made Seonghwa sick as he watched the man grab Wooyoung's jaw.





He didn't understand what was going on. How could this be happening to him right now? And how could Seonghwa just let this happen?

Wooyoung had woken up alone and scared. His thoughts instantly went to Seonghwa and where the older had gone.

He had felt so safe nestled into Seonghwa, and it brought him to the realization that he always wanted to be with the older.

Seonghwa had managed to open up a part of him that he never thought would be accessed.

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