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The first time San screamed, Yunho asked Dr. Kim to turn the machine off. His heart had dropped at the sound and he wanted nothing more than to run in and pull the younger out of the machine.

"No, the scan is almost done." The doctor held up his hand, then called for San to stay still.

Yunho clenched his teeth and glared at the machine.


"TURN THE DAMN THING OFF NOW!" Yunho shouted, lunging for the button that would switch it off the machine.

"No! It's almost done. Look." Dr. Kim said. There was a loading bar that was at 95%.

"YUNHO, PLEASE!! I C-CAN'T..." San's sobs came from the other room, pulling at Yunho's heart. He could hear the pain laced in every word.


San was full on sobbing now, still calling for Yunho to make it stop.

Hongjoong stepped towards and took Yunho's hand, squeezing it gently.


"No! No! Please... Yunie it hurts... My head!!"

Dr. Kim shook his head. "This isn't right I don't think he has an illness. There's something else going on."


"AAAAAHHHHH!" San let out a long scream that had Yunho trembling. Hongjoong moved to wrap his arms around Yunho's waist and give him a back hug.


The screaming stopped.

Yunho's heart plummeted as he broke free from Hongjoong's grip and ran out of the side room. He reached the door to the exam room and tried to turn the handle. "Dammit unlock this door now!! Shut it off!!" He pounded it on it over and over.

The door buzzed and Yunho wrenched it open, running to San's limp body as the bed started to move out of the machine. "Sannie!" He cried out, then he stopped and covered his mouth.

Blood was running out of his nose...

"Sannie..." The taller reached forward and ran his hand through San's hair. "Sannie, can you hear me?" He balled up the sleeve of his shirt and started to dab at San's nose.

The younger let out a small whimper and twitched on the bed.

"Yunho. Get back in here." Dr. Kim said over the speaker.

"He's hurt you bastard!" Yunho shouted at the glass. "I told you to shut it off!"

"Yunho, you need to see this." Hongjoong cut it. He sounded worried.

The taller growled at the glass, then lifted San off the table. He hung limp in Yunho's arms as they returned to the adjacent room.

Hongjoong's face was pale as he stared at the screen and Dr. Kim was searching his phone for something.

"What." Yunho snapped.

"Yunho... Look." Hongjoong whispered. He pointed at the screen.

The younger stepped forward and squinted his eyes, trying to figure out what his leader was pointing at.

It was a picture of San's brain, that much was clear, but there was one section on the right hand side that had a white square-ish section that stood out against all of the other colors on the scan. "I don't understand."

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