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Seonghwa was tense the entire drive home as he switched between watching Wooyoung and watching the road behind them to see if anyone was following them.

Yeosang would check in too, stating he didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but Seonghwa knew he couldn't be too careful.

Not after who he saw down there...

He was terrified, and he could tell that Wooyoung was too.

All Seonghwa could see was the sneer on his face as he looked at Wooyoung. It was like he had recognized him... And then to order his guards...

It made Seonghwa's blood boil.

The ride was silent as everyone absorbed what just happened. It felt like they had lost again, even though they had kind of succeeded in preventing the bank from being robbed.

Hongjoong had already called in another team to survey the damage and work on getting things cleaned up. He promised he would be by later to help after he made sure everyone else was ok.

When Yunho finally pulled into their garage, both Yeosang and Jongho were waiting for them, anxious looks on their faces.

"Don't go anywhere, we all need to talk and then I need to leave." Hongjoong said as he moved off Mingi's lap and opened the door.

Seonghwa helped San sit up and out the van, right into Yunho's waiting arms. The older cringed when he saw San's arm and lifted him up by his waist to place him on a workbench.

Yeosang hurried over with a first aid kit and the two of them worked to clean and bandage San's arm. "You were right, Seonghwa, it wasn't deep thankfully." Yeosang said, turning to reassure the others.

Everyone's shoulders seemed to relax a little at his words.

But then Hongjoong sighed and ruffled his hair. "What happened out there, San?"

Everyone turned to the boy, making him flinch for just a second, but then he straightened up and looked at Hongjoong. "They tried to come back. They were telling me to get out of there like... Like they knew what was going to happen." He looked up at Yunho, suddenly looking very scared. The taller placed a hand over his and squeezed gently. "And then when they started talking about the bomb I got scared and... I was gone, but only for a second. I think the explosion scrambled everything and I was able to gain control again, but by then it was too late... That's why I started fighting. They were coming at me and at Wooyoung..."

"I don't fault you for that. I don't think we would have made it out without a fight. Not with the building collapsing around us." Hongjoong gave San a reassuring smile. "I'm just glad to see that we are all, mostly, ok. San, Wooyoung, Mingi, you held your own out there and I'm really proud of you. And Seonghwa and Yunho, I don't think we could have done this without your support at the end." Hongjoong looked at each in turn.

Seonghwa had to force himself to keep eye contact. He didn't feel like he had helped... Not really...

"Jongho and Yeosang, you're eyes on the screen was a big help."

"I couldn't of done it without Jongho." Yeosang said, beaming at the younger, who blushed a little. "There was so much going on I had a hard time staying focused on everything."

Hongjoong nodded and sighed once more. "Alright, I need to get back out there and do my other job." He said, laughing nervously as he went to the wall with their keys.

Mingi beat him there. "I'll drive."

The older didn't protest and turned to face the others. "Take some time to relax and collect your thoughts. I have a feeling we are going to be really busy soon now that we've been seen. I know they don't know who we are, but it will be known that we exist now."

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