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Seonghwa inhaled slowly as he stretched on the bed.

He couldn't remember the last time he slept through the night like that. It was an amazing feeling.

Then he remembered why, and his eyes flew open. He looked down to see Wooyoung still nestled into his side and his heart swelled.

Last night had actually happened. As twisted as part of it was... Wooyoung had accepted his apology and had agreed to play his father's twisted game.

Hopefully they wouldn't have to do that for long.

Seonghwa reached a hand up and brushed the blonde hair from Wooyoung's eyes and watched him sleep. He looked so peaceful, like had had a restful night of sleep too.

Then the younger let out a small sound that had Seonghwa biting his lip to hold back either the laughter or any cooing sound he wanted to make.

He knew he would protect Wooyoung with his life after last night.

A knock at his front door sent his heart racing and Seonghwa quickly grabbed the rope sitting on his nightstand.

Wooyoung was jostled away and reached up to rub his eyes. "Hwa?" He asked in a raspy, morning voice that normally would have driven Seonghwa instead.

But he ignored it and grabbed the younger's hands, quickly tying them together and then attaching them to the headboard.

"I'm sorry baby." Seonghwa whispered as he grabbed the gag and shoved it in Wooyoung's mouth as he heard footsteps getting closer.

He didn't miss the sad but accepting look in Wooyoung's eyes as he pushed the boy down onto the bed. Then he positioned them so it looked like they were still sleeping, and that Seonghwa had fallen asleep hugging his toy.

Another knock came from his bedroom door and it was pushed open. A low chuckle came a second later. "Son."

Seonghwa faked a yawn and sat up, rubbing the side of his head. "Father? What time is it?"

"It's still early, but I need you today. We need to start planning our next hit. Meet me by the lift as soon a you can." The man's eyes flicked to Wooyoung. "If you leave him like that he will be ready for you when you come back." He chuckled and left the room.

Well there goes any idea of Seonghwa letting Wooyoung be comfortable. He turned to the younger and saw his forehead creased with concern. "I'm so sorry..." he reached up and checked on the knots. "That was his way of saying he's going to send someone to check up on you. I figured he would still test me a little bit after last night. It's probably more to make sure that you don't escape while we are gone..."

He pulled out the gag for a moment and caressed the side of Wooyoung's face. "It's ok, I understand." Wooyoung whispered, leaning into the touch and closing his eyes.

Seonghwa felt his heart break. Wooyoung shouldn't have to suffer like this for him. It wasn't fair. Life could be so cruel and twisted...

"I promise I'm going to get you out of here. I just need to earn my father's trust completely. Maybe I can even figure out what he's planning so that the others know and we can figure out how to take him down."

"That sounds like a good plan. Just... Be careful." Wooyoung's honey colored eyes fixed on his. "And hurry back to me. Not just so you can untie me again." He added with a small smirk.

The older sucked in a breath and leaned forward to connect their lips. He still couldn't believe how good it felt to kiss Wooyoung after all this time. All the dancing they had done, all the pain he had caused by trying to push Wooyoung away, none of hit mattered now.

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