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Hongjoong had decided to let the interviews sit for a week to give him and Yunho time to finalize everything they needed.

They went through all the files of their chosen six several times, memorizing every detail they had about them.

Which honestly wasn't much. These six had stayed out of the public eye, as well as didn't have any arrest history. The only reason they could link crimes to them was from the possible slip up with DNA left at the crime scene or eyewitness reports.

Yunho did his best to try not to think about how many people these men had killed that they didn't know about.

Seonghwa's was probably in the hundreds... Especially since they knew for a fact that he came from the local mafia. He had refused to give any information on the other members, which was very valiant of him, Yunho had to admit.

If he really wanted to be an asshole he could have started dropping names to try and buy his own freedom. That's really the only reason he didn't fight Hongjoong on his decision to include him in the team.

Yunho might despise murderers, but he was still a man of honor. And Seonghwa had shown that so far.

He sighed as he twisted the braid in his hair by the medallion weaved into it and licked his lips. The one that had him most curious was either Wooyoung or San.

Wooyoung didn't seem like he was a killer, but he had been seen slitting the throats of a couple men on the street, and then he got caught coming out of a local whore house where they later found the owner in his office with half his head hanging off his neck.

San on the other hand... He was a mystery. After his interview, Yunho had started doing research and thought that the boy might have a mental disorder. He swore San was having two different conversations, one with him and Hongjoong and one... Separate...

It had tugged at his heart when he saw the scared look on the younger when he was pulled back to Hongjoong. He had truly looked lost.

But if he really was hearing... Voices... Yunho groaned at the thought of it. It made everything so much more complicated.

Yunho took a sip of his coffee as he looked at the picture taken of San the night he had been arrested. Maybe it was just stress from being locked up.

Then his eyes drifted down to what he had been arrested for... Beating a man to death with a bat...

Yunho snapped the folder shut and rubbed his eyes. He really needed to stop. It was just going to make him second guess everything. And that's the last thing Hongjoong needed right now.

He glanced over at where the older was sleeping on the couch in his office. Yunho had practically forced him to use the bracelet to put himself to sleep, partially because he wanted to see how it worked for himself, but mostly so Hongjoong would get some actual sleep.

They had spent more time at the office over the past week than they had at their apartments. Yunho kept himself going with his coffee, but when Hongjoong crashed, he got cranky. So having him sleeping was a blessing for everyone in the precinct.

Word of their task had spread and several fellow officers had come to voice their concerns.

Most of them thought they were idiots and threatened to quit if they went through with actually freeing the six prisoners. Hongjoong always told them to do so, he wasn't going to force them to stay. Then he would lay out his plan for them step by step and most seemed to accept it, even if they still didn't agree with it.

Some actually volunteered to help, excited about the new idea. Hongjoong had gladly accepted and said he would let them know if he needed their help.

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