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Wooyoung sat up the second he felt Seonghwa freeze. He hated his mind for going there, especially after what they had just done together, but there was no way he could keep it from Seonghwa.

It was something he deserved to know.

He knew the sniper needed time to process what was just said, but that didn't stop Wooyoung from leaning forward and caressing his cheek.

"Are... Are you sure?" Seonghwa finally asked after several long minutes.

"He sounded pretty confident..." Wooyoung bowed his head and pressed it to Seonghwa's shoulder. "I'm sorry."

Seonghwa immediately pulled him into a hug again and held him tight. "It's not your fault. Thank you for telling me." He paused, then started to play with the hair on the back of Wooyoung's head. "I never knew her. I feel like some part of me should be sad... But I think that part is more just... Numb. But it gives me even more reason to kill that bastard."

Wooyoung tilted his head to look up at the older. He wasn't sure how Seonghwa was going to react to this news, but he was taking it rather well. Which almost scared Wooyoung more. Maybe it was just because he was there, but Seonghwa seemed so calm...

"We need to figure out what he is planning first." Then older continued. "Whatever it is he needs that particle for... It must be big. I'm going to see what I can do to figure out what is going on. Just be patient with me, ok?" He looked down and gave Wooyoung a soft smile.

"Always." Wooyoung said. At that moment, he knew Seonghwa had to be ok because he had more blue in his eyes than grey. That only happened when Seonghwa was happy about something.

As Seonghwa continued to tease his hair, Wooyoung settled in stared at his bare chest. He was still too awake to even think about sleeping.

And it was a good thing too.

A loud knock came from Seonghwa's front door.

He swore colorfully as he grabbed the rope.

Wooyoung dutifully held his wrists out and watched as Seonghwa tied them together and helped him lay down. The other end was attached to the headboard. Then the gag was quickly inserted into his mouth and tied around the back of his head.

"I'm sorry honey, I'll try to make this quick." Seonghwa kissed his forehead and pulled on a pair of pants before stepping out of the bedroom.

He heard the door open and Seonghwa greet the person on the other side rather rudely. There was a muffled exchange and the door shut.

Seonghwa walked back into the bedroom and shut that door before untying Wooyoung from the bed. "We are leaving. Father just bumped up the mission." He looked worried and his hands started to shake.

"Hwa? What's wrong?"

"Get dressed... You're coming too."

Wooyoung paused. "Why? What's going on?"

"They intercepted a coded message trying to warn the facility. Now Father suspects someone here gave away the plan and is trying to find the source. The fact that he wants me to bring you along tells me that he thinks it could be me. We need to play this carefully ok?" Seonghwa reached up and cupped his face. "I'm going to have to be rough with you..."

The younger stood up straighter. "It's not like I haven't been through it's before. And... It's ok... When you do it." Wooyoung bit his lip and looked down shyly.

He peeked up through his eyelashes and saw a surprised look on Seonghwa's face.

Then the older suddenly connected their lips again in a heated, greedy kiss. Wooyoung found himself pinned to the bed again and he let out a soft moan in response. Their tongues tangled together for a brief moment before Seonghwa pulled back and licked his lips to break the string of saliva that had been connecting them.

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