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Jongho watched in horror as San changed into a different person right before their eyes.

As soon as he ran out the front door, firing his gun and laughing like a crazy person, Hongjoong pulled up his bracelet and queued up the sleeping drug, but then hesitated.

"Hongjoong do it!" Jongho shouted.

"I c-can't! If I drop him out there..." Their leader's face scrunched up in pain as the three of them stood huddled in a corner.

He was right... If San were to be sedated in the middle of all this, then there was no way he could protect himself.

"Hongjoong what happened!" Yunho's voice came through the bracelet.

"I don't know Yunho, but we are going to find out." Hongjoong promised. "Yeosang, run scans of everything. We need to know what to expect."

"Got it." The hacker answered quickly.

The front doors opened again and they could hear muffled voices, but none of them risked peering around the corner for fear of being caught.

"I'll let you know where they go." Yeosang said quietly.

Jongho cracked his knuckles and rolled his neck. In these tight quarters, it was going to be his time to shine, so he needed go be ready.

A drone buzzed down the hall and hovered right in front of Jongho. He stared at it for a long moment and nodded before adjusting his mask and pulling down his hat.

Footsteps could be heard getting softer.

"Down the main hall and to the left. There is an elevator." Yeosang became the voice in their head, guiding them through the maze of hallways.

The three of them kept crouched low to the ground and stayed in the shadows as much as possible.

There were about twenty five people in front of them, not including Seonghwa, Wooyoung, and San, so the odds were not on their side.

It made Jongho nervous, but he had dealt with unfair odds before.

He knew exactly how this would play out too, no matter if they won or lost.

Most of the men would be his to deal with, while Mingi did everything he could to protect Hongjoong. He didn't mind, neither of them were the strongest fighters, so working at a team would be beneficial to them. But Mingi would do the brunt of the work.

Hopefully Seonghwa would be in a place that he could help.

Yeosang had filled them in one Wooyoung's situation, so they couldn't count on him helping.

And San...

Jongho had no idea what to do about San.





As soon as San appeared, Wooyoung started to panic. He was the 'Switch' Mercer had been referring to. He desperately wanted to run to his friend and help him snap out of it, if he made one wrong move, it would be the end for him.

Hope of getting out of this was leaving Wooyoung quickly. He saw no way out.

The large group moved through the facility with guns trained in every direction.

San had caused enough destruction, and with the threat of a bomb, the guards had stood down and weren't pursuing them.

But there was no saying there wouldn't be some down in the lower levels.

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