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"Ok, you can do this

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"Ok, you can do this. You can do this." Hongjoong sighed as he let his head rest against the back of his seat.

He had yet to get out of the car even though he arrived at work more than fifteen minutes ago.

This was not what he had envisioned for his life... He shouldn't have to give himself a pep talk every time he got to work just to get himself to go inside.

That's not how this was supposed to go...

But that's what it had come to. That's what the whole world had come to...

For years now, crime had risen out of control. Really it had started several decades ago with major crime bosses started to reemerge in society. They controlled most of the money and paid off everyone they needed to as long as they got what they wanted.

This had trickled over to the police force. There were so many corrupt officers... It made Hongjoong sick.

He sighed as he pulled out his wallet and took out a small photo of a boy and a man in a police uniform. "This would have never happened while you were still in charge, Dad." Hongjoong's forehead creased together as his chest tightened. He had to work to fight back the tears that threatened to break free. "I wish you were here. You'd know what to do." Slowly, he brought the photo to his lips and kissed it before replacing it in his wallet.

Then he forced his door open and stepped out into the brisk morning hair. The hairs on the back of his neck rose as he hurried to the officer entrance to the police station. Part of him regretted cutting his hair, but he needed a change.

Plus he thought that the blue-black shade of his hair made him look more intimidating. Which he needed for how small he was.

The 'X' shaped scar over his right eyebrow helped with that too.

The inside of the station was fairly quiet, as it always was this early in the morning. A few of his fellow coworkers nodded to him as he passed, which he would return before ducking into his office.

Hongjoong wasn't chief of police, yet, but he was one of the leading officers. He worked as both a regular officer and a detective. And he was one of the few who didn't accept bribes to brush clues under the rug.

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