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Hongjoong shut his door behind him and leaned against it.

What a mess everything was turning in to... They needed to make some headway soon, otherwise this entire venture was going to be a waste. And there was no saying what would happen to them if they failed.

He made a mental note to have Yeosang start surveying the city more. There had to be something they were missing. The bank tonight was just a piece to this overwhelming puzzle.

But the thing that was nagging him right now was how Seonghwa reacted to everything. The fact that he had disappeared for a few minutes worried him. Especially because he was guessing that some of the people there tonight were people Seonghwa knew.

It was common knowledge that Seonghwa came from the Wolf Pack, and while there was no way to identify that was them tonight, it would make sense.

Hongjoong knew it would be a hard conversation, but it was one that needed to happen. And soon. If Seonghwa was going to have a hard time with picking a side... Then there were going to be issues.

And then the way the older was reacting around Wooyoung right now. What had happened to him tonight?

No one had seen them since they got home. San mentioned that Wooyoung was in pretty bad shape right now and was sleeping in Seonghwa's room.

Hongjoong ruffled his hair a little and stepped away from his door, only to turn around when he heard a soft knock. "Come in."

He relaxed instantly when Mingi walked in, flashing a sweet half smile. "Are you doing ok? You were hardly present at dinner."

"Yeah, I've just got a lot on my mind. What are we going to do Mingi?" He asked, walking forward to hug the taller.

Mingi enveloped him in his arms and kissed the top of his head. "Take things one step at a time. I think the first thing we need to do is make sure Wooyoung is ok."

"I agree..." Hongjoong closed his eyes, enjoying the gentle swaying motion they had started together.

He felt his cheeks heat up a little when he thought about how open he was to all of this suddenly. He went from not being interested in dating at all, to falling head over heels for someone. How did that happen?

While he didn't have an answer, Hongjoong couldn't help but think he had someone watching over him, because Mingi came along right when he needed him the most.

"There's nothing we can do tonight. Come on, let's try to get some rest." Mingi whispered before pulling Hongjoong over to his bed.

The taller turned around and started to unbutton Hongjoong's shirt, his long, thin fingers nimbly undoing each button easily.

Hongjoong could feel the small smile crossing his face as he studied the look of concentration on the younger's face.

When Mingi noticed him staring, he flashed a smirk before sliding Hongjoong's shirt off. Then he grabbed the older's chin and tilted his head back to connect their lips.

Hongjoong's heart skipped a beat as he hummed.

They stayed like that for a few moments, neither one taking it further, both just enjoying the connection.

After they broke apart, they both stripped to their boxers and Mingi slipped under the covers first. He opened his arms wide and Hongjoong eagerly slipped into them and pressed himself into Mingi's warm body.

The younger was right. They could talk about it tomorrow. And he would. He was not going to let Seonghwa get away with what happened tonight.

But tonight? Tonight he could enjoy. Because part of him was worried that he wouldn't have many nights like this left.

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