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San narrowed his eyes as he eyes the entrance in front of him. He was determined to not mess this up. He had to prove that he could be trusted. He could do this.

Wooyoung came to crouch next to him and they exchanged a look letting the other know that their back was covered.

Their task was simple.

Wait for Yeosang's signal, sneak in, and try to prevent whatever mysterious item was in there from being stolen.

"Performing scan of building now." Yeosang's voice said through his ear piece.

Get out of here San.

"The top several floors are clear, but there are about ten men on the first floor by the big vault door. It's at the back of that vault that there is a second door for them to get through that then leads to the underground vaults." The hacker hesitated. "I'm trying to find a floor plan of the building, but my drones can't scan below the first floor. They must have some sort of high tech security system in place. Which is good because that means they should have a hard time breaking through it too."

"Thanks Yeosang." Hongjoong said quietly. "We are all in position, awaiting your signal."

"I don't like this." Jongho's voice came in. "It looks like they are all just standing around, like they are waiting for something."

Trust us. You don't want to be here.

San shook his head and gritted his teeth. "We are already here, we might as well observe for a bit."

"I agree." Hongjoong said. "Seonghwa what do you see?"

"Same thing. They are heavily armed. I've got a clear view of most of them, I could take out maybe half right now." The oldest said.

"No, not yet. Let's wait and see what happens." Their leader said.

San glanced at where Wooyoung crouched next to him. The younger looked nervous. "Are you ok?" San whispered to him.

Wooyoung gave him a tense smile and nodded. But he pulled out one of his knives and started fiddling with it, confirming San's thoughts. So he reached back and took his hand.

Since when did you become so soft?

San closed his eyes and swallowed. He squeezed Wooyoung's hand to comfort him, but also seeking comfort for himself. He didn't have time now to imagine locking the voices away so he would do his best to fight through this and ignore them.

"Someone's pulling up." Yeosang said.

San turned and looked back down the alley, watching a black truck pull up in front of the bank. Several more men got out, followed by someone who looked to be in charge. He had a serious look on his square face and all the men surrounded him.

"Seonghwa, can you see who that is? Yeosang?" San asked.

"I'm trying to run a facial recognition scan now." The hacker replied.

But there was no answer from Seonghwa.

Wooyoung shifted a little and looked up at the building Seonghwa was waiting on. "Seonghwa?" He asked, his voice shaking a little.

The man lifted a hand to his ear, pressing against an earpiece and started to talk.

Last chance San. You should listen to us. We only want to protect you.

San cringed and twisted his head as he felt the voices trying to take over. He couldn't give in.

The large group of men walked into the bank and out of San's, but he agreed with the voices. Something didn't feel right. "Are they doing anything with the vault yet?"

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