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As soon as Jongho saw San go for Seonghwa, he grabbed the wall and used it to help his momentum when throwing himself into the large room.

He slid across the floor and stopped under a desk just as a few bullets ricocheted off the floor where he had just been.

His heart was founding, but he needed to help Seonghwa.

Then a pair of hands pulled him out from under the desk and slammed him into another one.

Jongho grunted and found his footing, planting himself so he could swing his fist forward. It connected with the side of the man's face and made him stumble to the side.

But he recovered quickly and lunged at Jongho, wrapping his hands around the fighter's throat.

Jongho gasped and pulled at the man's wrists to distract him while he looped one leg in between the other's legs and twisted his body so they both fell to the floor.

The man let go of him and Jongho punched his face twice.

The first one broke his nose. The second one knocked him out.

Moving quickly, Jongho ran to the next one in his way and wrapped an arm around his neck while slamming his fist into his side several times.

When the man was weak enough, he grabbed him by his shirt and threw him into the wall, loving the crack that came right before he landed in a crumpled heap on the ground.

The next one got a chair to the face.

Then he picked up a syringe and spun it in his hand before running up to another man and shoved it into his neck, not even flinching as blood spurted everywhere.

Bullets still whizzed past his head, but Jongho did his best to ignore them. He knew Hongjoong and Mingi would have his back as soon as they realized what he was doing.

San and Seonghwa were rolling on the floor just a few feet in front of him.

He dove forward and grabbed San around the waist, pulling him off the sniper and pinning him to the ground. "San! San, snap out of it!"

The older snarled and tried to throw Jongho off him, but Jongho was stronger. He was able to pin San to the ground and hold him in place. "Joong now! I've got him!"

Jongho watched as San started to weaken and his eyelids fluttered.

"That's it. Sleep, Sannie. We are going to get you out of here." Jongho grunted as he started to drag the older to the side of the room.

Seonghwa jumped into action immediately and covered them, shooting man after man down.

Then he paused and shouted, "Wooyoung!"





He knew he had to do something. San needed the chance. And if Mercer had figured out a way to control him, then Wooyoung would figure out how to fix him.

If he couldn't fix himself, then he could at least fix San.

So after Seonghwa had thrown their horrid vest aside, Wooyoung darted into the jumble of bodies in front of him and headed straight for the man with the tablet.

When they collided, they stumbled to the ground.

"Get off me you pathetic whore!" He said as he slammed his fist into the he side of Wooyoung's head.

He yelped in response but managed to recover quickly, climbing back onto the man and holding one of his knives to his throat. "Give me the device and tell me how to use it."

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