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San took a deep breath as he rolled his neck and circled the ring opposite of Jongho.

"You're light on your feet, that's good." The younger praised, nodding his head while lifting his fists up to cover his face.

"Why is that good?" San asked, mimicking Jongho's movements. His eyes flashed to where Yunho  was watching from the corner of the room while nursing his coffee. He didn't know why, but he really wanted to do well and impress him.

He wanted to show that he could fight his demons and belong here. He had slowly been improving over the last month, and he planned on getting even better.

"Because it means you will be quicker than the heavier guys out there. While they may stronger, if you can be faster then you can win, or at least gain an advantage. But you have to be prepared for anything." Jongho said, then he took San by surprise by throwing a couple of punches.

The older ducked under them easily, as if it was an instinct, and stuck an arm out straight. Jongho stumbled into it and fell to the ground, clutching his stomach, but laughing.

"That was good! See? You were faster than me so you could catch me mid swing when I was off balance." Jongho smiled as he took San's offered hand.

"Where did you learn to fight like this?" San asked, as they started to circle each other again. "You're really good at teaching."

Jongho gave him a shy smile and lowered his hands, glancing at Yunho before biting his lip. "I was bullied a lot as a kid. I was behind the curve, size wise, so I was smaller than my classmates. I really didn't start growing until high school, and once that hit I had a huge growth spurt. But by then it was already too late. My parents were never really around, so I didn't have anyone to turn to." Jongho rubbed the back of his neck.

San tilted his head, curious as to where this would go. He was slowly finding out that everyone had a broken past like he did. But at least they could remember theirs...

The door opened and Yeosang came walking in, heading straight for Yunho.

Jongho didn't seem to notice as he continued. "So I started teaching myself how to fight. I would read all the books in the library and do my research, then practice in secret. It was a good way for me to get my anger out too. I didn't want to be the person who turned to violence, so it started as a form of self protection."

The younger turned to glance at Yunho again, then paused when he saw Yeosang standing there watching him. He let out a harsh sigh.

"I ended up taking it a bit to far one time when I was cornered by one of my bullies..." Jongho turned his head away so he didn't have to look at anyone. "I killed him with a brick..."

San covered his mouth and fought the urge to take a step back.

"It was an accident. Sort of. I tried to use it to get the guy off me, but then when I realized I had the upper hand, I... I couldn't stop. I was seventeen at the time, so I was tried as a juvenile delinquent, but the case got dismissed as self defense. It doesn't stop me from feeling guilty ever day though."

San flinched when he felt a tug at the back of his mind. Not now. He was doing so good. He would not give in now.

"I didn't want anyone else to have to feel my pain, so I started a school for self defense. It was small at first, but word got around and more and more people came. Things may have taken a turn to the illegal side," Jongho blushed and turned to Yunho, who was just staring at him with an amused half smile. "But I swear it started out as a way to try and get more money for my gym. And I would coach the fighters before and after the match."

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