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Seonghwa stayed obediently by his father's side as he was given a tour of the underground facility. There was room after room after room dedicated to some sort of research his father was conducting, but had yet to tell Seonghwa what it was.

He would find the entire operation impressive, if it wasn't for the fact that he was terrified.

It appeared that every single gang in town had united under the Wolf Pack, and his father controlled it all...

Through the entire tour, the sniper did the best he could to memorize everything he saw. Anything he could use to give as information back to Hongjoong, he would.

Seeing all this had changed his mind about trying to protect anyone he knew. There were faces he recognized instantly, and a few even welcomed him back with wide smiles.

He thought he would feel guilty, but now that he had had a taste of what life outside the mafia was like, he had no intention of going back.

Now he just needed to figure out how to get a signal to Hongjoong and Yeosang. He knew the hacker was probably running ever scan of the city he could think of trying to find them.

It didn't appear that his father knew about the bracelets yet. He was thankful that Hongjoong had designed them to not stand out. They were going to be his only hope of getting himself and Wooyoung out of here.

Although if his father was planning to do what Seonghwa feared he'd do to Wooyoung... The chances of him finding the bracelet was much higher.

And his father was no idiot.

As soon as he figured out it was something he wouldn't be able to remove, he could make the connection and come see if Seonghwa had one.

That meant he needed to get outside before his father returned to his room.

"So when is the next mission? And what is it?" Seonghwa asked, trying to make himself sound as interested as possible.

His father arched an eyebrow and turned to face him. "Someone's anxious. I figured you'd like some time to try and relax. After all, things had to be tense while you were with the police. Although, if you had Wooyoung there then at least you would have a way to relieve your stress." The man chuckled before turning to resume their walk down the hall.

Seonghwa felt his blood boil at the accusation. He wanted nothing more than to put his father in his place for talking about his Wooyoung like that.

The sniper paused.

He as such an idiot... How could he think of Wooyoung that way when he had just forced him away... Wooyoung wasn't a possession anyway.

"Son?" His father's voice broke his train of thought.

"Sorry, you may be right. I am pretty tired."

The man gave him a sympathetic look. "Of course. Let me show you to your room. Take as much time as you need."

The pair of them made their way through the halls.

Seonghwa chewed on his bottom lip, trying to find the courage to ask what he felt he needed to.

They stopped outside of a room at the end of a hallway. "This is your room, well, it's more like a suite. You'll have everything you need in there, and if you don't, then there's a page button and someone will come for you. They all know that you're my son, and now that you're back you rank over all of them." His father placed a hand on his shoulder.

"May I ask..." Seonghwa said, forcing himself to look at his father and not react to the proud look in his eyes. "What are your plans for the boy?"

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