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Jongho sat on Yeosang's bed and listened to the older's fingers as they flew over the keyboard.

He was starting to get worried about the hacker. Yeosang had hardly slept for three days now and only left his computer to go to the bathroom.

Food was brought here and anything else he needed, although Jongho was pretty sure Yeosang's diet had completely consisted of those damn suckers he always had.

The fighter picked at the sheets as he let out a harsh breath.

He felt bad... He was worried about Seonghwa and Wooyoung, and wanted them to be brought home safely, but he couldn't help but let his mind wanted back to the kiss.

Jongho could still feel Yeosang's lips pressed against his, and he wanted more. He had ever since it had happened.

But he knew the older blamed it for the reason behind the grocery store attack and Seonghwa and Wooyoung being taken... Because they were kissing when the perimeter as breached...

Hongjoong's voice had interrupted things, and Yeosang had immediately pushed Jongho away to return to the screen.

He was in the process of scanning the area and getting drones sent out to help their four members at the store. They had been so focused on that, they hadn't noticed the dots on the radar of their own complex and before they knew it, gas canisters had been thrown into the room and they were both unconscious.

Now Yeosang spent all his time trying to figure out how to help San and locate their missing friends.

Everyone suspected that they must be below ground, deep below ground, because they were no where to be seen on the radar.

So mostly what Yeosang was waiting for was even the slightest of signals from either one of them so he could try to latch onto their location.

Jongho sighed again and pushed himself off the bed. He was still on guard duty, so he couldn't go far, but he needed to get out of Yeosang's room for a bit.

His mind started wandering back to the fact that maybe he was meant to be alone. Even though it seemed like Yeosang had liked the kiss, he had returned it after all...

Now he wasn't sure what to think. Maybe he just was supposed to be a glorified body guard.

Jongho turned and leaned against the wall, but turned his head to stare out the window. He watched people milling around the sidewalk going on with their every day, normal lives.

Maybe he shouldn't have stared that fighting ring... Maybe he should have just given in to the bullying and stayed under the radar. Then maybe... He'd have a normal life like all of them.

"Is everything ok?" Hongjoong asked, coming to stand next to him.

"Yeah, he's still working away." Jongho answered, not looking at the older.

"I meant with you." Hongjoong leaned against the wall as well and ran a hand through his dark blue hair. "You've seemed... Off."

Jongho didn't know if he felt like talking to Hongjoong about his feelings for Yeosang. They weren't that close yet, he felt. So he just hummed and nodded. "Is there anything you need me to do?"

"Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the store with Mingi? With everything that happened, we never actually got the supplies we had needed."

The younger perked up at the idea of getting out of the house and nodded. But then he looked back at the door to Yeosang's room.

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him." Hongjoong said. "We will all be in there, actually, because we need to work on the chip he made for San."

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