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When Seonghwa entered his room late that evening, the guilt that weighed on him almost made him turn around.

He had been gone far longer than he had intended... but he had to play his father's game.

Wooyoung was sound asleep in the bed, still lying in the same place he had been left in that morning.

Seonghwa closed the door behind him and rushed to the boy. The motions of untying him roused him from his sleep and he blinked slowly up at Seonghwa. "Hwa?" He mumbled.

"I'm so sorry baby." The older said as he cradled Wooyoung against his chest. He felt small arms wrap around him and smiled when Wooyoung rested against his shoulder and nuzzled his neck a little.

"I missed you." The younger mumbled again.

Seonghwa chuckled and kissed the top of his head while his fingers danced over the boys skin. "I missed you too. Do you want to try to get up and stretch your legs? I don't think anyone will disturb us tonight." At least he hoped no one would...

Wooyoung let out a small sound that could be interpreted any way, which made Seonghwa chuckle again. He set Wooyoung down on the bed, with a few protests, and stepped into the bathroom to run a hot bath.

It was obvious that the younger was too tired to actually focus on anything, so the least he could do was use the warm water to help with the circulation.

The steam slowly filled the bathroom as Seonghwa poured a few oils into he water to try and make it even more relaxing for Wooyoung before he stripped and went and collected Wooyoung from the bed.

"Where are we going?" The younger continued to mumble sleepily, unable to keep his eyes open for long.

"Don't worry about it, I'm going to take care of you." Seonghwa whispered.

He stepped carefully into the tub and eased himself into the hot water, shifting Wooyoung so he was situated between his legs.

Wooyoung whimpered for a moment as the hot water licked his skin, but he soon relaxed and wiggled his back against Seonghwa's chest a little. "This is nice." He said. A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"I know you're tired, but you've been in that bed all day, so I wanted to get you out of it." Seonghwa whispered into his ear before placing a few soft kisses on the boy's shoulder. "Just relax and enjoy."

He lifted his hands up and started to rub Wooyoung's shoulders. They were so tense and tight from how he had been laying all day, so he would dip his hands into the hot water to heat them up again and rub them across his bare skin.

Wooyoung would let out soft moans occasionally, and shift to where he needed Seonghwa to rub the most. At one point, he brought his legs up and leaned over them to support his head to Seonghwa could rub lower down on his back.

The older couldn't help but admire the perfect curve of Wooyoung's spine. The way his skin glistened when wet was tantalizing as well, and he could feel himself growing hard.

He had been a fool to try and push Wooyoung away. Now that he had found this connection with him, there was no way he'd ever be able to give it up.

"I love you, Woo." He said, leaning over to leave a few more kisses on the younger's back.

Wooyoung straightened up and spun around, sloshing water around the tub as he moved to straddle Seonghwa. He ran his wet hands through Seonghwa's hair, playing with it a little while biting his lip and looking down shyly. "You do?"

Seonghwa couldn't blame him for being a little hesitant. He had told Wooyoung he loved him while having to pretend to use him like the whore his father believed Wooyoung was...

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