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Wooyoung did the best he could to slip in to his fighter mindset. The gunfire happening around him made his head hurt and there was too much to try and block out.

It took all his concentration to just keep pace with Seonghwa's long legs.

But he loved that his nimble fingers came back and he could easily lift some knives off the mafia members around him in the chaos.

So much was happening...

Wooyoung really wanted to know who it was that had attacked. He prayed it was Hongjoong.

Groups started to break off around them, shielding them from the facility guards.

"Keep pushing forward!" Mercer shouted. "We have to get inside."

Wooyoung moved a little closer to Seonghwa and kept his eyes peeled.

New wave of guards came running toward them and Seonghwa moved so he was blocking Wooyoung while lifting up his gun and firing it without a second thought.

Three bullets fired. Three men down.

"We have to get inside!" Mercer shouted again.

One of the Wolf Pack shouted as a bullet pierced his skull right next to Wooyoung and he fell to the ground, only to be trampled by everyone coming behind them.

The building slowly got closer.


Seonghwa pulled Wooyoung to the ground as a shotgun blast sounded by them. The man hit screamed in pain as he held his shredded shoulder.

Members of the Wolf Pack were dropping left and right.

At this rate, they might not even get to their goal.

Then Mercer stopped running and held up a fist as several of the guards surrounded them.

He snapped his fingers twice and it was like a switch when off in Wooyoung's mind.

Looking down at his vest, Wooyoung stepped forward, once again under the devil's spell.

The thought he felt something brush against his arm, but there was no changing it.

He was under Mercer's complete control.





When they got to the gate, San stepped to the side to allow Mingi to access the lock.

The thief pulled out his tools and quickly got to work. He couldn't believe they used something other than an electric lock for the back gate, but it worked to their advantage.

All four of them were on edge as they listened to the never ending gunfire on the other side of the large building.

Mingi pressed his ear to the lock and worked to tune everything out except for the complicated clicks that were their ticket in.

The lock was complicated at least, but nothing he couldn't handle.

After a couple of short minutes, he heard it click open and he pulled it away to yank the gate open.

"Let's get inside while they are distracted and see if we can find this particle." Hongjoong said, gaining nods from everyone else.

The halls were empty when they first entered and lights flickered over head.

Their footsteps were silent as they jogged through the facility, looking for anything that looked like the stairs leading downstairs.

There had to be a way to get there, Seonghwa had said it was kept below ground.

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