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"Y-Yuri..." San whimpered.

At that word, Yunho fell back and his world suddenly went silent accept for a buzzing in his ears.

There was no way...

It couldn't be true...


Yunho felt numb. He didn't know what to do, but the first time he glanced at where San was sitting broken on the floor, he felt nothing but rage and pain.

His San...


He shook his head and pushed himself off the floor while grabbing his jeans.

"Y-Y-Yunie!" San cried out. "P-Please..." He ended with a whimper.

Yunho could see the younger reaching for him out of the corner of his eye, but he couldn't bring himself to turn around. Not now.

So he pulled on his jeans and fled from the room.

He had no idea where he was going, but as his chest got tighter and tighter, Yunho started to panic. His hands shook violently as he clawed at his own heart, wanting this pain to go away.

The first room he came across was the kitchen, and in his blind rage, he stepped inside and screamed at the top of his lungs while throwing any dish he could get ahold of against the wall.

The shattering sound was satisfying to him and he started wrenching open cabinets to find more things to throw.

There was a large serving platter that caught his eye and Yunho immediately grabbed it threw it as hard as he could against the wall.

It broke apart into hundreds of pieces and flew everywhere.

A whimper came from one side of the kitchen and Yunho's eyes flashed to where San was covering his mouth and turned away from him, shaking violently.

Yunho's first instinct was to run over to the younger and make sure he was ok. He even took a step in that direction, but the truth slammed back into him and Yunho spun and started to run out the other entrance.

But he slipped on the shards littering the ground and slid across the floor. He could feel the broken pieces slicing his arms, hands, and chest. But that pain wasn't nearly as bad as the pain of his broken heart.

"Y-Yunho!" San called from behind him and he heard the crunching of ceramic or whatever shit the plates had been made out of.

Shaking his head, Yunho pushed himself from the ground and ran from the kitchen.

His feet took him to the garage and he was about to jump in a car when he heard San's voice come through the bracelet. "Y-Yun-nie... P-Please s-stop. You're in-n no f-f-fit state t-to drive!"

Yunho roared as he ripped the bracelet from his wrist and hurled it at the garage door. It opened at the same and San caught the bracelet in a quick reaction.

The younger's face was red and blotchy as he looked down at the bracelet in his hands and back at Yunho. He stared to take a step forward, but Yunho just yanked his car door open and slipped inside, not caring that he was shirtless or getting blood all over the seat and steering wheel.

Without really paying attention to anything he backed out of the driveway with squealing tires.

The small part of him that still loved San broke as he watched the younger run down the driveway after him and even into the street.

But Yunho slammed his foot on the pedal, speeding up to as fast as he could to get away.

He didn't even know where he was going... He just needed to drive.

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